Lumineth Realm-lords might be haughty, high-minded aelves who deep down think themselves better than everyone else, but that doesn’t mean they’re opposed to befriending other inhabitants of the Mortal Realms to better smite Chaos! Today, we’re looking at how your Lumineth force can ally with other armies.

Using Lumineth as Allies for Stormcast Eternals
Stormcast Eternals armies can take warriors from any Order faction as allies, which means they have rare access to Lumineth Realm-lords forces. Turns out Sigmar’s chosen warriors will side with pretty much anyone willing to help them liberate the realms! So, if you already own some Stormcast Eternals (say, from a starter set), this is a great way to test-drive your new Lumineth models as you grow your collection to 1,000 or 2,000 points. There are also loads of powerful and unusual options you can squeeze into your allies allowance that’ll have a massive impact in any of your games. Take a block of 20 Auralan Sentinels, for example – these master archers can hold your backfield while your Stormcast Eternals crush the enemy front line.
Avalenor, the Stoneheart King is another top pick. As well as being really, really good at hitting things with hammers – something the Stormcast Eternals can certainly appreciate – at maximum strength, this towering champion’s Guardian of Hysh ability applies a -1 to hit modifier on all enemy units within 12”. Charge him forward to blunt your enemy’s offensive capabilities!
What about Allies for your Lumineth army?
The Lumineth themselves are pickier about who they ally with than the Stormcast Eternals, with only Idoneth Deepkin available to your forces. However, there are some cracking choices that’ll fit in well alongside your army. Morrssarr Guard, for instance, are an ever-popular pick with tournament players that’ll make a great shock unit for taking down particularly dangerous enemies. The Idoneth are ideal additional cavalry support to a speed-focused Lumineth force – we’re sure the eels and horses get along fine.
Of course, there’s one more ally the Lumineth can consider – and he’s kind of a big deal...
Bundo Whalebiter
Just who is Bundo Whalebiter? Allow us to explain! Sons of Behemat is coming out before too long, and in it, you won’t just find rules for an army of gargants, but a set of mercenaries that let you add a named Mega-Gargant to your armies! Order and Destruction forces can take Bundo Whalebiter, a towering (and surprisingly cunning) Kraken-eater. If your Lumineth Realm-lords need some extra punch, make sure to grab him when the Mega-Gargant kit drops!

However you’re planning to use your Lumineth Realm-lords, make sure to pre-order your new models this Saturday.