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  • Warhammer Alliance: Get Back to School in 2023 With the Latest Free Pack for Schools and Clubs

Warhammer Alliance: Get Back to School in 2023 With the Latest Free Pack for Schools and Clubs

It’s that time of year again, when we look at what the Warhammer Alliance programme is doing to support gaming clubs at the start of the new school year.

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Warhammer Alliance is an Education Support Programme, providing resources to schools, libraries, and other educationally aligned institutions to support them in giving young people amazing experiences with Warhammer.

Existing clubs have until the 1st of October to take part in the current back to school offer. Check your emails (including your spam!) for details on how to get going. If you can’t find your email, contact your local Warhammer Alliance team. All details can be found on the Warhammer Alliance Website.

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Our clubs receive a top-up in September (February for our clubs down under) to help them get up and running again after the holidays. The offer varies from country to country depending on what we have available, but it will usually include additional miniatures for the new members.

If you would like to begin a new Warhammer Alliance club, click here to find out more and apply.

Battle Honours

The start of a new school year means new club members. The Battle Honours programme is a great tool for club leaders to use with their club. The programme provides ideas for activities, both as individuals or groups, and participants receive rewards for taking part by working with your local Warhammer store manager.

To find out more about the Battle Honours programme, go here.

Curriculum Opportunities

Every year in November and April we contact our clubs to request feedback on the programme and find out what we can do to improve. One of the requests that frequently pops up is about providing links and resources to opportunities that Warhammer provides to enhance your students' learning experience. We’re delighted to say that the first wave of these resources are ready to roll out with the Curriculum Opportunities document.

This document was created by teachers for teachers, and shows the links between different aspects of the curriculum, providing ideas for how to link Warhammer into different subjects. Art, Literacy, Numeracy, STEM subjects, life skills, and wellbeing can all be linked into Warhammer activities. In the not too distant future, we will have lesson plans available to download for free to do just that. The files are available in English, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch and Polish currently, and we will add more languages once they have been translated.

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Educators Day Seminar at Warhammer Fest

Want to hear what our club leaders have to say about the programme and the impact it’s had on them and their club? Check out these moving videos, captured at Warhammer Fest back in April.

Our panel of club leaders discuss the positive impacts, as well as some of the challenges they face.

Black Library Quiz

Finally, we have partnered with Black Library to provide free eBooks to our clubs. You’ll find the link to the books in our email signatures and in your activity magazines. 

We have also created a quiz that helps our readers find the next book for them based on what they like. The link to the quiz is here: 

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