The sons of Dorn may have been left behind on Terra, but they’re not left behind when it comes to incredible new models. After showing off
last month, allow us to present the two new Imperial Fists Praetors.

Despite what Perturabo would have you think, The Imperial Fists have always been unparalleled experts in siege warfare – the Emperor himself selected them to defend the Imperial Palace on Terra. There, Dorn and his Legion prepared the ultimate defences and awaited the beginning of the Siege of Terra.*
As with all Legions, the Imperial Fists had numerous Praetors – the mightiest warriors and battle-leaders within the Space Marines ranks. Among the VII Legion, Praetors were second only to Dorn in their skill with a blade, their generalship, and their mastery of the siege. To make them stand out on the battlefield (or when marching up and down along the walls of the Imperial Palace), they wear the finest armour, covered in the Legion’s symbols and insignia.
Available in either power armour or Tartaros Terminator armour, these new models look so good that even their staunchest foes, the Iron Warriors, can’t help but be impressed. Whether you’re building an army to defend Terra or a force to take the fight to Horus and his Traitors, these will fit perfectly into your Imperial Fists collection.
The new Imperial Fists Praetors will be available to pre-order soon from Forge World. In the meantime, grab The Horus Heresy Book Three – Extermination, which includes all of the rules for fielding an Imperial Fists army in the Age of Darkness.
* For an idea of how impregnable their defences were, check out the Black Library novel Praetorian of Dorn, which sees the Alpha Legion try to sneak their way past the Imperial Fists.