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  • Saturday Pre-orders – Khorne and Slaanesh Compete for Dominance of the Mortal Realms

Saturday Pre-orders – Khorne and Slaanesh Compete for Dominance of the Mortal Realms

Imagine waiting in fear for the next Chaos incursion into your realms, only for two to show up at once. That’s what the residents of the Mortal Realms have to deal with this week, as new heroes and battletomes for the followers of Khorne and Slaanesh arrive side-by-side to liven the place up.

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Battletome: Blades of Khorne

GWPreorders Mar18 BoKBookSE

The Blades of Khorne are battle-hungry servants of the Blood God, dedicated to wanton slaughter and frenzied butchery in the name of their bloodthirsty patron. The new Battletome: Blades of Khorne chronicles their bloody history across the ages with extensive background lore and bestiary entries, while 41 updated warscrolls and new Path to Glory campaign rules – which bestow divine gifts on your champions in return for offerings of skulls – bring them alive on the battlefield.*

Battletome: Blades of Khorne (Limited Edition)

GWPreorders Mar18 BoKBookLE

Dedicate your bookshelf to Khorne with a luxury Limited Edition version of the new battletome, limited to just 500 numbered copies worldwide. This edition sports a premium soft-touch cover with gold foil lettering and gilt page edges, while a red ribbon page marker ensures you’ll never lose track of your most important dedications to Khorne.*

Realmgore Ritualist

GWPreorders Mar18 BoKRitualist

Khorne scorns magic in all its forms, but that doesn’t mean his followers can’t produce miraculous effects through pure faith and prayer alone. The Realmgore Ritualist specialises in offering bloodthirsty benedictions to the Lord of Skulls and carving sinister runes into terrain features and objectives, urging the Bloodbound to even greater heights of violence.*

Vanguard: Blades of Khorne

GWPreorders Mar18 BoKVan

Begin a blood-crazed campaign of carnage with Vanguard: Blades of Khorne, a collection of mighty mortal warriors led by a powerful Slaughterpriest of Khorne. A force of 10 Bloodreavers and 10 Blood Warriors are backed up by three Mighty Skullcrushers, which together with their leader form a vicious close combat-dominating force capable of cutting the enemy to bloody ribbons.*

Warscroll Cards: Blades of Khorne

GWPreorders Mar18 BoKCards

Don’t lose track of your rules amidst all the carnage – Warscroll Cards: Blades of Khorne keep all of your most important rules close at hand with a set of 41 reference cards and 30 tokens for all of your special abilities.*

Blades of Khorne Dice Set

GWPreorders Mar18 BoKDice

Dice rolls are certifiably the best way of cutting apart your foes in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, so you’ll want to bless your own with a set of Blood God-approved dice. These 20 dice are cast in a vivid blood-red plastic with brassy orange pips, and include Khorne’s iconic sigil on the 6 fact.*

Battletome: Hedonites of Slaanesh

GWPreorders Mar18 HoSBookSE

Though their god is absent from its palace of pleasures, the Hedonites of Slaanesh are nonetheless active across the Mortal Realms, reaving and despoiling as their indulgent whims take them. 

Battletome: Hedonites of Slaanesh is your portal to their world of sinful revelries, detailing the Dark Prince’s followers and setting the stage for their conquest with 36 updated warscrolls and Pitched Battle profiles. A suite of Path to Glory campaign rules offers cruel temptation to their enemies, reaping plentiful rewards when a momentary boon proves too enticing to resist.**

Battletome: Hedonites of Slaanesh (Limited Edition)

GWPreorders Mar18 HoSBookLE

Nobody knows indulgence and excess like the followers of Slaanesh, and this Limited Edition battletome replete with glittering gold foil is right up their alley. This premium tome is bound in a sensual soft-touch cover with gilt page edges, and includes a red ribbon page marker – but it’s only limited to 500 copies, so make sure to snap yours up soon.  

Lord of Hubris

GWPreorders Mar18 HoSLord

All Hedonites are convinced of their own magnificence, but none exude well-earned arrogance quite like the Lord of Hubris. They stride the battlefield with the confidence of master duelists, challenging enemy heroes to single combat and letting foes take the first strike to prove their superiority – a momentary advantage that swiftly turns to horror once these supreme warriors deign to strike back.*

Wondering how to give your Lord of Hubris a suitably supercilious paint job? Let the Warhammer Paint team show you how with just 10 pots of paint.

Start with a base of Wraithbone Spray, then paint the skin with Knight-Questor Flesh and the cloth and sash with Sigvald Burgundy Contrast paint. Incubi Darkness, Skullcrusher Brass, and Iron Hands Steel are perfect for picking out the shield, sword, and other accessories, while Black Legion gives the black cloth a deep, rich tone. Finally, shade the flesh with Targor Rageshade, the gold with thinned Druchii Violet, and the stone base with Basilicanum Grey, before highlighting both silver and gold metals with Stormhost Silver.

Vanguard: Hedonites of Slaanesh

GWPreorders Mar18 HoSVan

Followers of Slaanesh are a cut above their mortal peers, and nothing proves this like the collective skill and elegance on display in Vanguard: Hedonites of Slaanesh. This force of sublime martial prowess centres around 10 Blissbarb Archers, five Slickblade Seekers, and three Slaangor Fiendbloods, while the sorcerous power of a Shardspeaker of Slaanesh directs them to victory time and time again.

Warscroll Cards: Hedonites of Slaanesh

GWPreorders Mar18 HoSCards

Gaze upon the perfection manifest in your warriors with Warscroll Cards: Hedonites of Slaanesh, a pack of 36 warscroll reference cards and 34 tokens that make playing your army as easy as duelling a duardin – even in the thickest fighting.***

Hedonites of Slaanesh Dice Set

GWPreorders Mar18 HoSDice

Strut your superior allegiance to Slaanesh with a set of Hedonites-themed dice, cast in luxurious purple plastic. These 20 dice have golden yellow pips – appropriate for one of such refined taste – and sport the Dark Prince’s personal mark on the 6 face.

MiddleEarth 600Wide LOGO

You can recreate legendary moments from The Lord of the Rings™ and The Hobbit™ with new miniature collections for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. Each bundle pairs iconic characters with a scenario straight from your favourite scenes, detailing recommended terrain layouts and a custom mission to play.

The Bridge of Khazad-dûm™

GWPreorders Mar18 Bridge

Destroy the bridge leading out of Moria and strand the goblins giving chase in The Bridge of Khazad-dûm. The Fellowship need only escape and collapse the bridge behind them, but beware – the fearsome Balrog may enter the fray at any moment and spell doom for our heroes.

This set contains the Fellowship of the Ring – including Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Merry, Strider, Legolas, Gimli, Boromir, and Gandalf – plus 24 Moria Goblins and the Balrog.

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Ambush at Amon Hen™

GWPreorders Mar18 AmonHen

The Uruk-hai have come to seize Frodo and The One Ring in a sudden ambush at Amon Hen, taken from the final scenes of The Fellowship of The Ring. The legions of Isengard are under strict orders to capture the Hobbits unharmed, but can Frodo successfully make his way off the battlefield before he’s knocked out and carted off to Saruman?

This set contains the Fellowship of the Ring, Lurtz and Uglûk, an Uruk-hai Scout Command, and a band of Uruk-hai Scouts.

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Coming of the Mûmakil™

GWPreorders Mar18 MumakAttackThe last ride of the Rohirrim has broken the siege lines outside Minas Tirith, but the tables turn as the colossal Mûmakil arrive with a thunderous charge of their own. King Théoden leads the Riders of Rohan in a death-or-glory assault on the massive creature, and only its death will secure them victory.

This set contains King Théoden, six Riders of Rohan, and a War Mûmak of Harad.

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Out of the Frying Pan…

GWPreorders Mar18 FryingPan

Just as the company of Thorin Oakenshield escape from the goblin tunnels, Azog the Defiler catches up with the Dwarves and traps them at the edge of a perilous cliff. All that stands between them and an untimely death is a short dash to the safety of the treetops – easy, right?

This set contains the Company of Thorin Oakenshield – including Thorin, Kíli, Fíli, Balin, Dwalin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Ori, Nori, Dori, Óin, Glóin, Bilbo, and Gandalf – plus Azog and six Hunter Orcs on Fell Wargs.

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Flies and Spiders

GWPreorders Mar18 Spiders

Mirkwood is a dark and dangerous place, and Thorin’s company is about to find out why. A horde of giant spiders sets upon the dwarves, and they’ll need to fight the haze of Mirkwood itself if they’re to last long enough to send the arachnids packing.

This set contains the Company of Thorin Oakenshield and the Spiders of Middle-earth.

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Roast Mutton

GWPreorders Mar18 RoastMutton

Bilbo has snuck into a Troll camp to rescue some ponies, only for misfortune to strike as the hobbit finds himself in the clutches of three Trolls. In a race against time, the Trolls will try to eat the dwarves alive before dawn, when the rising sun will turn them all to stone.

This set contains the Company of Thorin Oakenshield and The Trolls – Bill, Bert, and Tom.

GWPreorders Mar18 RMButton

Attack in Lake-town™

GWPreorders Mar18 LakeTown

The Orc attack on Bard the Bowman’s family and the Dwarves has been thwarted by the timely arrival of Legolas and Tauriel, and now the Prince of Mirkwood must slay Bolg before he escapes from Lake-town – though he’ll find the fight with the wily Orc harder than he might expect.

This set contains Legolas and Tauriel, Bolg, and a band of 24 Hunter Orcs.

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Paths of the Dead

GWPreorders Mar18 Paths

In a desperate bid to secure allies for the war against Sauron, Aragron ventures under the mountains of Dunharrow to secure the allegiance of the cursed Men who dwell there. The King of the Dead is not best pleased to see him, and Aragorn must fight through a legion of ghostly warriors to bring the King to heel.

This set contains the Three Hunters – Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli – plus the King of the Dead, two Heralds, and 20 Warriors of the Dead.

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The Dead Marshes

GWPreorders Mar18 DeadMarshes

While crossing the Dead Marshes on the way to the Black Gate, Frodo, Sam, and Gollum are set upon by haunting spectres and a patrolling Ringwraith on the back of a Fell Beast. They can’t hope to win a straight fight, so Frodo will have to remain undetected to have any chance of reaching safety.

This set contains Frodo, Sam, and Gollum, plus six Dead Marsh Spectres and a Winged Nazgûl.

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Head to the Games Workshop webstore now to pre-order today’s releases. 

* These products have been delayed in Japan.

** The English-language version of this product has been delayed in Japan.

*** The English-language version of this product has been delayed in Japan, the USA, and Canada. The French-language version is also delayed in Canada.

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