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There and Back Again™ – A Middle-earth™ Miniatures Range Update


“Well, here at last, dear friends, on the shores of the sea comes the end of our fellowship in Middle-earth.” – Gandalf the White

MiddleEarth HeaderNEW

The time has almost arrived for us to bid farewell to a handful of miniatures of Middle-earth range. Before this news strikes you like a Black Dart from a Nazgûl, rest assured that they will all be returning at some point in the future. However, if you’ve been thinking about adding any of the following miniatures to your collection, make sure you order them before Sunday the 29th of August, as they will no longer be available to buy from that date.

Barrels Out of Bond

MEMiniCycle Jun24 Barrels0kcl4

Bilbo Baggins™

MEMiniCycle Jun24 Bilbo81j44

Woses of Drúadan Forest™

MEMiniCycle Jun24 Druadans2jxk44

Bandobras “Bullroarer” Took Foot & Mounted

MEMiniCycle Jun24 Bullroarer1i93i3

Golfimbul Foot & Mounted

MEMiniCycle Jun24 Golfimbul22js3

We may be waving goodbye to some miniatures with one hand, but the good news is that we’re welcoming back a selection of returning classics with the other. They’re all themed around the forests of Lothlórien Mirkwood, so whether you’re reenacting the quests of the Fellowship of the Ring and Thorin Oakenshield & Company, or are seeking to drive the Necromancer from his stronghold of Dol Guldur, you’ll be well served.

To introduce each of the miniatures returning to the range, we’ll hand you over to the Middle-earth team’s Jay Clare.

Jay: The forest of Mirkwood has certainly had a troubled history. Over the years, the once-proud woodland has become corrupted and twisted by the dark forces of the world, and now the Elves who live there rarely stray beyond their own borders. This has allowed a number of foul creatures to make their home within Mirkwood and feed upon unwitting travellers who foolishly stray from the forest paths…

Fans of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game will be pleased to know that a number of classic miniatures representing those who dwell within the forest of Mirkwood – and their allies – will be making their triumphant return to the range in the not-so-distant future. So, which models are coming back?

Lórien™ Elf Commanders

If you’re looking for some leaders for your Wood Elves, the Lórien Elf Commanders are ideal. This pack contains a Wood Elf Captain, a Wood Elf with a banner, and a Galadhrim Stormcaller for when you need to call the winds of nature down upon your opponent!

MEMiniCycle Jun24 WElfCommand37h3

Galadhrim™ Elf Commanders

If the armoured Galadhrim are more your style, this pack will help you bolster your ranks and provide a few benefits to your Elves along the way. A pair of Galadhrim Captains are backed up by a banner bearer, who provides those all-important re-rolls in the Fight phase, and an Elf with a war horn to boost the Courage of your models. 

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Wood Elf Sentinels

Sentinels are an ideal addition to either a Lothlórien or Halls of Thranduil force, with their songs providing a number of effects to benefit their allies. These range from allowing friendly models to automatically pass Courage tests, to making themselves cause Terror, or even moving enemy models with their haunting melody.

MEMiniCycle Jun24 WElfSentinels89j14

Thráin the Broken and Gandalf the Grey™

The father of Thorin Oakenshield makes his return to the range alongside his friend, Gandalf the Grey. Thráin makes a great addition to either a White Council or Dark Powers of Dol Guldur list (yes, he can be either Good or Evil – his mind is shattered after all!) and you can never have enough models of the Grey Wizard!

MEMiniCycle Jun24 ThrainGandalf04k13

Vanquishers of the Necromancer™

Rounding out the reinforcements for the forces of good are three of Middle-earth’s most powerful heroes – Elrond, Master of Rivendell; Saruman the White; and Galadriel, Lady of Light. If you intend to do battle with the Necromancer, you won’t want to leave Rivendell without their overwhelming magical prowess and fierce close-combat skills. 

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The Spider Queen

We can’t talk about the foul creatures of Mirkwood without mentioning the Spider Queen herself – the most terrifying being to stalk the paths of the forest. If you’re planning on playing a Dark Denizens of Mirkwood force, or simply want a particularly potent ally, then the Spider Queen is an absolute must.

MEMiniCycle Jun24 SpiderQueen7h414

Spiders of Middle-earth

Speaking of spiders, this new set contains a mix of different types of arachnid – two Mirkwood Spiders and two Giant Spiders. Having different types of spider is ideal for a Dark Denizens of Mirkwood force, with the Giant Spiders providing a higher Fight value to win fights and their larger Mirkwood cousins spitting webs to tie up any problematic enemies.

MEMiniCycle Jun24 MirkwoodSpiders22ml3

Castellans of Dol Guldur™

With a Fight value of 5, 2 Attacks and a Morgul Blade, these spectral automatons are the ideal assassins to send after the enemies of the Dark Lord. This pack contains three of these wraith-like warriors and are great additions to a Dark Powers of Dol Guldur force.

MEMiniCycle Jun24 Castellans83j3k3

Thanks, Jay. These classic Middle-earth miniatures will be officially returning to the range later this year, so you won’t have long to wait to get your hands on them. Rumour also has it that these models herald the arrival of something else for Middle-earth, but quite what that is remains hidden in the shadows for now…

Remember that you only have a month or so left to add the models that are leaving the range to your collection, so head over to the webstore and make sure you grab the ones you’re after today.

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