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  • The Solar Auxilia Are Suited Up for Battle in the Galaxy’s Worst War Zones

The Solar Auxilia Are Suited Up for Battle in the Galaxy’s Worst War Zones

The Solar Auxilia are the (unaugmented) elite of the Imperial Army, second only to the Legiones Astartes. Initially mustered from the hardened ship-to-ship fighting forces of Saturn and Jupiter, they were deployed throughout the Great Crusade as support for Space Marine Legions, Rogue Traders Militant, and conquerors in their own right. This continued when the Horus Heresy erupted, and now cohorts fight on both sides of the divide.

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The Great Crusade aimed to conquer the entire galaxy – including alien worlds, barren planetoids, and other places unsuited for holiday destinations. Years of harsh training, combined with sealed void armour designed for brutal boarding actions, made the Solar Auxilia well-suited to bitter warfare in environments that would destroy lesser troops.

As the Age of Darkness consumes the galaxy, the number and variety of these lethal battlezones has only grown. Today, we’ll take a look at some of the worst places the Solar Auxilia can look forward to being deployed.

Void Battles

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Ship-to-ship boarding actions are the Solar Auxilia’s stock in trade, and their void armour was designed specifically to withstand the uncompromising nature of combat in space-bound vessels – including the risk of sudden and violent decompression. 

Airlock malfunctions, decks exposed to the void by structural damage, and reactors leaking hazardous radiation are trivial obstacles for these stalwart warriors. The war above Calth saw bitter fighting between Word Bearers and Solar Auxilia garrisons aboard Ultramaran satellites – these skills serve them just as well on airless moons, space hulks, orbital stations, and beyond. Have void armour, will battle. 

Toxic Deathzones

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About as pleasant as you’d expect from the name – some battlefields are blighted wastelands that, against all odds, may hold vital strategic assets. These might be worlds naturally plagued by scouring radiation or volcanic fumes, factorum zones choked on the Imperium’s own heinous waste, or the result of a friendly “hello” from a Death Guard bombardment team

The Solar Auxilia are no stranger to battling in these deleterious environs, protected by rad-shielding, filtration systems, and personal air supplies. Even their vehicles tend to be fully enclosed, a modification that became an absolute necessity when Tallarn was raked with virus bombs by the Iron Warriors. Much of that agri-world has been reduced to an inhospitable wasteland, where both Traitor and Loyalist forces wage war from inside sealed tanks.

Inclement Environs

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Better known as “bad weather” to the likes of you and I, the galaxy contains innumerable planets with a breath-taking variety of meteorological and atmospheric conditions… many of which prove inimical to human life. Galoshes and a heavy raincoat won’t help on planets like this, but the Solar Auxilia are properly insulated against the brutal weather of ice worlds like Byfrust and Inwit. The massive storms that wreathe Barren’s Landing are also no impediment – except for the way they block comms – which is handy given its importance to the overarching campaign for Beta-Garmon.

Void armour is only half the equation, though. Solar Auxilia cohorts are the greatest non-augmented forces the Imperial Army has to offer, and their expert training is just as important as their high-tech gear… though the hefty tanks and agile walkers certainly don’t hurt.

You’ll be able to pre-order the Solar Auxilia Battle Group on Saturday. Let us know on Twitter and Facebook where you’ll be deploying your cohorts.

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