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10 More Stunning New Contrast Paints and How To Use Them

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The Citadel Colour paint range is expanding! 25 versatile new Contrast paints are joining the current selection, the whole Shade range is being reformulated – with seven brilliant new colours added – and there’s a brand new bright white Spray primer. All of this is available for pre-order right now.

Lizzie Ward

In June, we invited Warhammer TV painting presenter Emma Robinson to talk about her favourite colours and some inspired uses for them. Today we’ve got her co-host, Lizzie Ward, to talk about her 10 favourite paints from the new range and how she has been using them.

Lizzie: Contrast paints are an incredible tool for any painter. Whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced hobbyist, these paints are easy to use and highly versatile – allowing you to create a number of fantastic effects. 

The sheer number of new additions to the range has totally spoiled us, and we can’t wait for you all to try them out! It’s amazing to see so many vibrant and punchy new colours, alongside some awesome subtle ones. The applications for these paints are endless.

Here are some of my favourites from the new range! 

Celestium Blue

Blue paints are getting new options in the latest range. Celestium Blue slots between the brighter Talassar Blue and darker Ultramarine Blue. 

Lizzie: A regal and rich blue, with deep tones that seep into the recesses. This is perfect for making those Stormcast Eternals look fit to serve Sigmar.

Briar Queen Chill

On the paler end of the scale for blues and greens, the less saturated Briar Queen Chill finds itself sitting alongside Aethermatic Blue.

Lizzie: A firm favourite of mine, this is great for creating ghostly skin. This looks great over a White Scar undercoat to make your Nighthaunt suitably spooky! 

Garaghak’s Sewer

Need a brown that's got the tan punch of Snakebite Leather but is stronger like Cygor Brown? Garaghak’s Sewer is your weapon of choice.

Lizzie: This is an incredibly versatile new shade of brown. It’s perfect for leather and cloth. This is fantastic for adding some extra grime to your Nurgle miniatures too.

Dreadful Visage

Apothecary White and Gryph-charger Grey give you two blue-hued ways to shade White, but Dreadful Visage is a pale grey shade with a hint of lilac.

Lizzie: What a name! Perfect on Daemonettes and other Daemons of Slaanesh – you can apply this over a light skin tone to create gaunt and sunken flesh. It’s also fun to use over metallics to create a really unique tone. 


A vivid alternative to Aethermatic Blue, this acts as a partner to Pylar Glacier, giving you even more choices in the blue range of the spectrum.

Lizzie: Such an icy blue that really packs a punch of colour. I’ve used this on Sylvaneth Gossamid Archer wings and just love how vibrant it is.

Imperial Fist

Imperial Fist takes up the gauntlet thrown down by Nazdreg Yellow and Iyanden Yellow, pushing the pigment further and making yellow even more of a breeze to paint.

Lizzie: Like many, painting yellow has always been a challenge for me. Not any more! Imperial Fist, alongside Ironjawz Yellow and Bad Moon Yellow, provides the perfect solution to your yellow painting needs.

Sigvald Burgundy

Sitting next to Volupus Pink, but even richer, this colour comes close to the intensity of Screamer Pink, but with the unique flow of contrast.

Lizzie: As majestic as Sigvald himself, this is a really vibrant colour that shades and highlights effortlessly. Naturally, I’ve tried this on the Prince himself and I can confirm – he heartily approves. 

Mantis Warrior Green

The new contrast range contains five new green tones. Mantis Warrior Green is unique because it takes a colour like Miliatrum Green and adds a sickly yellow to the mix.

Lizzie: This is a really fun, swampy green with a number of applications. Naturally, it’s great for giving those Mantis Warriors some time in the spotlight. 

Karandras Green

A supercharged alternative to Warp Lightning, Karandras Green is one of the most intense Contrast paints in the whole range.

Lizzie: Easily one of the most vibrant of the green tones, this really draws attention to a miniature. I’ve used this to create some bright warp flame, and Nighthaunt magic. 

Striking Scorpion Green

Just like Mantis Warrior Green, this green ups the balance in favour of yellow, making for an eye-catching tone with a wide range of uses. 

Lizzie: A bold and brash paint with subtle darker tones, this is really versatile. Of course, it’s ideal for those Aeldari Striking Scorpions, but it’s brilliant for glazing onto eye lenses and gemstones to create glowing effects. 

Thanks for the insight Lizzie! Many of these new paints differ from the bulk of the existing Contrast range in exciting new ways, opening up many possibilities for painters, new and old. 

New Contrast Paints

Don’t forget to tune into our special Hang Out and Hobby sessions running ahead of the #WarhammerPaintathon, where our hosts will be on hand to show you just how these new colours work.

Paintathon on Warhammer Live

There’s not long left until you can get these new paints on your miniatures – you can pre-order them right now. Make sure you join us for the #WarhammerPaintathon on Twitch on the 17th of July, and remember to share your progress on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!

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