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Will You Eat the Muddy Egg? Discover the Impossible Dilemmas of Cursed City

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Warhammer Quest: Cursed City is available to pre-order from Saturday and, as if dealing with dangers such as the Ulfenwatch and trying to overthrow Radukar the Wolf weren’t difficult enough, you also have to resolve various crises as they erupt across Ulfenkarn. These can be anything from citizens trapped in a house surrounded by zombies to strangers claiming to have been bitten by a bat. 

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When a crisis begins, you have to select one of the heroes from your group to go and sort it. They will face a difficult dilemma and must make what can be an almost impossible decision. Even the easiest of choices aren’t as straightforward as they initially appear. 

Here are a few of our favourite crises that you could face in Warhammer Quest: Cursed City.

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Are they really a traitor or have the baying mob taken vigilante justice too far?

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Could a legendary Stormcast Eternal be making a mistake? Will you intervene or let her deal out Sigmar’s judgement?

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While the text of this particular crisis doesn't make it clear what foodstuff now litters the ground, we're going to arbitrarily decide that it's pre-peeled, hard-boiled eggs. So, brave adventurer, do you wipe off the muck, hold your nose, and hope for the best? After all, the five-second rule applies in Ulfenkarn too, right? Or do you abandon these begrimed eggs and risk having to face Radukar the Wolf's minions on an empty stomach? That precious egg-energy could mean the difference between life and death in the Cursed City.

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Will you ignore the statue, destroy the graven image, or pillage some of the riches?

Obviously, we can’t show you the outcome of your choices, as that would spoil the surprise when you come to play Warhammer Quest: Cursed City. However, we can say that you'll be handsomely rewarded for making the right decisions but horribly penalised for getting it wrong – and it’s not always obvious which option is which.*

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City is available to pre-order from Saturday. Get ready to overthrow Radukar and save Ulfenkarn by watching the Learn to Play video on the Cursed City website.

* This is why Jelsen Darrock is so handy – he knows which witch is which.