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  • Join the Dawnbringer Crusades and Celebrate White Dwarf 500 With This Month’s Free Miniature and Collectible Coin

Join the Dawnbringer Crusades and Celebrate White Dwarf 500 With This Month’s Free Miniature and Collectible Coin

Every month you can visit your local Warhammer store to collect a miniature of the month for free, and from the 4th of May, you’ll be able to throw your lot in with the Cities of Sigmar and pick up a Freeguild Steelhelm. 

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These doughty footsoldiers are the rank and file of every Dawnbringer Crusade and every Free City’s garrison. Each unit is composed of the regular men and women that populate Mortal Realms. They go to war with simple hand weapons and sturdy shields, fighting horrors many times their size with little more than their unwavering faith in Sigmar. 

These miniatures will be available while stocks last, and they may differ from the one pictured. Ask your local store staff how to claim one – and while you’re in, they can tell you all about the ongoing campaign to celebrate the final chapters of the Dawnbringer Crusades.

There are two months left for you and your fellow Warhammer hobbyists to fight for the fate of a new city – whether you’re propelling it to prosperity or smashing its walls to smithereens. 

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You’ll earn points towards completing an activity card through all kinds of hobby activities, from painting new units to battling your friends. You can also claim bonus points by introducing a friend to Warhammer and guiding them through their first steps, so they can aid you on your campaign too.

Score 18 points across all activities to complete your card, adding a point to your store’s campaign tracker for your chosen path.* And to mark you out as a true Dawnbringer, you’ll also receive an authentic Coin Malleus** of your own – whether you found a city in Sigmar’s name, or blight the land he sought to claim.

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Since there’s plenty of points on offer for painting progress, you’ll want to take advantage of the Pick ‘n’ Mix paints offer – simply choose any 10 paints, and get the most expensive one free. They come in a snazzy box too, handy for keeping your colours together for your latest project.

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The Warhammer painting team are no strangers to the Cities of Sigmar, and have prepared a requisition list of 10 colours to help you get your Steelhelm painted in the colours of Hammerhal Aqshy. Starting with a Chaos Black spray undercoat, you’ll need Catachan Flesh, Corvus Black, Jokaero Orange, Leadbelcher, Mephiston Red, Morghast Bone, Mournfang Brown, and Runelord Brass, plus Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade to shade your miniature, ready for battle.

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This month’s collectable coin is celebrating 500 issues of White Dwarf, the best magazine in the world – at least according to Grombrindal. It’s a special event that you won’t want to miss out on, and we’ll have plenty of coverage on this milestone issue later in the week. Ask staff how you can get your very own White Dwarf coin, which will also be in store from the 4th of May.

Better yet, if this is your sixth collectable coin, you’ll be able to claim a free album to store your collection in.**

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This is the perfect chance to make a day of it and introduce a friend to Warhammer – and they’ll get some fun stuff too! 

They can choose between an Infernus Space Marine and a Stormcast Eternals Vindictor, get a painting tutorial for their new model, as well as learn how to play their first game of Warhammer 40,000 or Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

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They can also get involved with the Battle Honours programme, which rewards them for diving into a series of fun activities based around the key areas of the Warhammer hobby – Collect, Build, Paint, Play, and Read. 

Finally, every store celebrates its anniversary each year with fun activities and exclusive items. There are two anniversary miniatures for 2024, which you definitely won’t want to miss out on.

Find your local store with the Store Finder below, and ask your local staff about their anniversary and how you can take part.

MiniOfMonth Feb26 StoreFinder2024

* Whichever side has the most at the end of the campaign will win.

** While stocks last.

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