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Khorne Day – Codex: Chaos Daemons Has Even Better Ways to Reap a Cranial Crop

40K Chaos Daemons

No, you aren’t losing your head – Khorne Day continues with a jaunt into the howling vortex of daemonic slaughter that is the upcoming Codex: Chaos Daemons

The daemons of Khorne are warp-fuelled manifestations of rage and violence that love nothing more than to kick about the galaxy, slaughtering all who stand in their way while collecting skulls aplenty for the Lord of Murder.

40kKhorneDae Aug08 Terrain1We’ve already had a sneak peek at the blood-fuelled bulk-up in store for Bloodletters, but those hungry Flesh Hounds have also been at the protein* – they’re gaining faster Movement, more Strength, and an extra Attack. This pairs up wonderfully with their new Savage Pounce ability, which confers extra Damage on their gore-drenched fangs if they’ve leapt into combat this turn.

Flesh Hound

Savage Pounce

The mighty Skulltaker delivers a delightfully straightforward interpretation of his name with his updated Skulls for Khorne ability. Not only can he re-roll hit and wound rolls against enemy CHARACTERS, his other abilities also get a range boost for each champion he slays.

Holding his newly-acquired severed heads aloft, this iconic Herald of Khorne inspires lesser daemons to put their nose to the (skull)grindstone. His Lord of Decapitations ability allows him to boost the frenzied accuracy of a BLOODLETTERS unit within 6"... then 9"... then 12". There’s no escape!


Khorne generals who take a moment to cut through the red haze of violence can couple this with the Frenetic Bloodlust Stratagem. Usable in either player’s Fight phase, this slavering surge lets you aggressively move a BLOODLETTERS CORE unit towards the nearest opponent – dashing onto an objective, cutting off an avenue of retreat, or just closing the distance for next turn’s charge.

Or – for just one Command point – you can unleash your rage in combat to get an extra pile-in before your foe can find their footing.

Frenetic Bloodlust

Codex: Chaos Daemons is a boiling cauldron of otherworldly viciousness, unleashing nightmare hordes that bring ruination to all who stand in their way. Of course, all four of the Dark Gods are represented in the new book – they just don’t dare show their faces on Khorne’s special day.

40kKhorneDae Aug08 Terrain2

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* Even Khorne cannot deny that a good dog is a perfect companion.

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