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  • Warhammer World Anniversary – Gunnar Brand Leads the Oathbound Into the Mortal Realms

Warhammer World Anniversary – Gunnar Brand Leads the Oathbound Into the Mortal Realms

As the Twin-Tailed Crusade constructs a new settlement in Aqshy, those forgotten by Sigmar in the Age of Chaos stalk the Great Parch, battling for survival under the watchful gaze of the Ruinous Powers. The Darkoath tribes live via the maxims of strength and duty, but few are as ferocious as the Brands. Infamous for their ruthlessness, this tribe is ruled with steely conviction by Gunnar Brand and his Oathbound kin. 

You may have seen Gunnar and his Oathbound in animated action on Warhammer+, in the Hammer and Bolter episode Monsters, but now this coterie of killers stand poised to hit the tabletop in plastic.


Many amongst the Darkoath place little trust in the gods they are fated to serve, but Gunnar’s contempt runs even deeper. He believes mortals should live and die free from the meddling of gods – whether they wield holy hammers or hellish powers. With this conviction, he leads the Brands on a path to conquest and domination, earning boons through carefully sworn oaths even while resisting the seductive calls of the Chaos Gods.

His greatest rival – and most fearsome ally – is Warqueen Tanari. An ambitious warlord, she doesn’t share Gunnar’s scepticism of the gods, but respects his tenacity and successes in casting back the Sigmarite invaders who encroach on the Darkoath homelands.

The imposing Dendrel Direbrand is no true Brand. Descended from a long line of Aqshian nobility that was all but stamped out by Korhgos Khul and the Goretide, this muscle-bound warrior contains multitudes. Whilst his strength and skill make him Gunnar’s expert in siege and smithing, his heritage also allows him to easily pass for a Reclaimed and slip unnoticed into Sigmarite settlements.

Despite Gunnar’s deep mistrust of the Chaos Gods, he knows the power they command. He leaves it to Broken Nadja to divine their intent. Though he is wary of all touched by the Ruinous Powers, Gunnar cannot help but respect that Nadja has never once led him astray – though her own motivations are co-opted by visions of slaughter and conquest for Gunnar, if only he walks the Path of Glory.

Daughter of Gunnar and heir to the Brand tribe, Singri is one of the finest horse riders in the Great Parch. Brash and headstrong, she frustrates her father but has saved his life countless times with a well-placed arrow. 


As well as starring in an episode of Hammer and Bolter, Gunnar Brand is also going to be the star of an upcoming Black Library tale, Darkoath by Chris Thursten. When a calamity ravages his homeland,  Gunnar must face his fate and lead his tribe on an exodus through the wartorn land of Aqshy, as the Dark Gods tempt him with unimaginable power...


Gunnar and his Oathbrand will be staking their claim on the Mortal Realms soon, but hang on… what are those shadowy shapes gathering on the horizon? Hurry back to the reveal hub before things get nasty here…

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