To celebrate the release of the new edition of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, we put out a call on Twitter for people to share their existing armies from the Age of Darkness. We were overwhelmed with pictures of beautifully painted miniatures, and here are some that we just had to show to everyone.
To kick things off, we’ve a pair of Primarchs from @voiceofkosh. For the Traitors Legions, here’s an amazing Magnus the Red.

Standing against him is Vulkan – a model painted so well, he could have come from the forges of the father of the Salamanders himself.

Learn more about these two epic characters in the Black Library novels Magnus the Red: Master of Prospero and Vulkan: Lord of Drakes.
Speaking of Drakes, here’s @the_iron_drake with a striking Thousand Sons psyker. He looks so good that we could almost forgive the breaking of the Council of Nikaea edict.

Pick up top tips on painting your own troops from the XV Legion with this handy guide.
We’re back to the Primarchs again with this extraordinary Alpharius (or is it Omegon?) by @pmetcalfe81. We’re sure the Alpha Legion would be more than happy to follow this chap into battle.

Get your Alpha Legionaries ready for subterfuge with our step-by-step painting guide.
Hunting down the traitors featured above are these Space Wolves by @plastic_cracked. They swoop into action in this amazing Thunderhawk Gunship.

Before swifty finishing their foes off with these Scimitar Pattern Jetbikes.

Ready to join this ferocious Legion of the Emperor’s finest? Paint your sons of Russ by following our painting guide.
These brutal Red Butchers by @lillegendstudio look like they’re going to already be knee-deep in gore and blood by the time you’ve finished reading this article.

Learn how to paint your own warriors in the colours of the World Eaters with our painting guide.
We don’t think that @krazy_doug is that crazy at all – anyone that uses the C.A.T. from Space Hulk as a little assistant for a Techpriest is alright in our book.

Providing fire support for the Techpriest while communes with his machines is this gorgeous Tech-Thrall Covenant with Las-Locks.

@KitbashedGaming (Ricki Smith)
Ricki, known as @kitbashedgaming, has shared a pair of stunning Imperial Fists Contemptor Dreadnoughts. First up, and bringing all the dakka, is this big boy with a pair of Kheres assault cannons.

For those who prefer the sound “choom!” and getting up close and personal with a power fist, here’s Ricki’s second Dreadnought.

Don’t forget that our Imperial Fists painting guide works just as well on Dreadnoughts as it does on infantry.
With a handle like @heresyjunkie, we were expecting big things, and Ben didn’t disappoint with these incredible Dark Angels.

This impressive kitbashed Dark Angels standard bearer brings forth the pride of the Lion in this most secretive Legion.

Inspired to join the I Legion? Check out our painting guide for the Dark Angels.
@DicenDemons (Emma Svensson)
Some people will tell you that you have to paint Warhammer: The Horus Heresy miniatures in very specific colours – and of course, you don’t! Emma, known as @dicendemons, painted this Contemptor Dreadnought in a rainbow colour scheme to celebrate Pride Month.

Finally, we have these sombre warriors of the Raven Guard by @Armourbane. This Dark Fury Assault Squad have clearly been in action as evidenced by their blood-soaked talons.

While this deadly Legion Glaive gives them heavy support, providing brute force when the Raven Guard’s traditional sneakiness isn’t quite enough.

Looking to join the sons of Corax? Check out our Raven Guard painting guide.
Join in the fun by pre-ordering the Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness boxed set now and share your progress on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram using #WarhammerCommunity and next time, it could well be your miniatures that we see here.