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The Armies of the Dead Fulfil Their Oath in New Translucent Plastic Kits

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After forswearing their oath with Isildur to fight against Sauron’s armies in Mordor, the men of the White Mountains were cursed to wander the caverns beneath Dwimorberg and the valleys of Harrowdale for all eternity, unable to earn the sweet release of death.Many centuries later, Aragorn petitioned the King of the Dead to come to the aid of Gondor at the battle of Pelennor Fields, and the Dead Men of Dunharrow could finally fulfil their oath, swarming the battlefield in a tide of spectral fury. The Warriors of the Dead and the King of the Dead & Heralds kits have now been recast in clear plastic with a spectral blue tint for a unique impact on the tabletop.

ME Products Nov20 King

This isn’t the first time the ethereal has been captured in translucent plastic in the Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game – the five ringbearers, Isildur, Gollum, Young Bilbo, Old Bilbo, and Frodo, have all appeared as clear resin miniatures, which are currently available exclusively from Warhammer World. 

The Warriors of the Dead are a little different, and that ghastly green colour is just asking to be drybrushed up with dusty whites and rusty metals to create a spectacular Army of the Dead. They won’t replace the existing miniatures, so you can easily scatter them throughout your collection.

ME Products Nov20 Warriors

Additionally, there’s an upcoming terrain box to give your Armies of the Dead the opportunity to fight across the ruins of Osgiliath – the Ruins of the City of Gondor set collects the incredibly modular Gondor Mansion, Ruins, and Tower kits into one absolutely packed box.

ME Products Nov20 GondorTerrain

The Armies of the Dead will be available to pre-order soon, with Osgiliath following later next year. Make sure to check back with Warhammer Community to find out when, and for all the latest news from Middle-earth.

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