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  • Warhammer Age of Sigmar Metawatch – Swansong for an Epic Edition

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Metawatch – Swansong for an Epic Edition

If you’re reading this, you’re probably aware that there is a glorious new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar on its way, with revamped rules and loads of quality-of-life changes. But there’s plenty of life left in the current edition, and several months of matched play to go – so the guys at the Warhammer Design Studio have composed the final Battlescroll of the edition, which you can download below.

Rules Lead Matt joins Warhammer TV’s Lewis to talk us through these last few balance changes. Watch the video below:

As Matt explains, they’ve taken a light touch this time around – the more comprehensive changes will shine through when the new edition drops later this year. But that’s not to say it’s stayed static.

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For instance, a few units have had their weapon ranges adjusted, including Putrid Blightkings, Spite-Revenants, and Alarielle. The Cruel Taskmaster command trait for the Flesh-eater Courts has meanwhile been tweaked to tone down its strength.

There have also been some points changes for each faction, notably some increases for factions like the Blades of Khorne, alongside plenty of drops to open up new unit choices for others. 

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You can download the Battlescroll here, and check out loads of our coverage of the upcoming edition at the link below.

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