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40 Years of Warhammer – A Tremendous Trio of Dwarfen Legends

The stout and hirsute dwarf is a true staple of Warhammer fantasy. Citadel Miniatures have made quite a few of these bearded fellows over the years, though a handful have stood head and shoulders above the rest – which is quite an achievement for a dwarf. This week’s trip down memory lane is a hat-trick of nostalgia, as we’re taking a look at a classic kit which combines three dwarfen legends – Gotrek the All-slayer, Grombrindal the White Dwarf, and the legendary Brewmaster Josef Bugman.

This trio are among the most famous heroes in all of the Warhammer fantasy lore. We’ve already looked at Gotrek Gurnisson (and his pal Felix), while Grombrindal barely needs an introduction, as his name is all over the monthly gaming magazine! Also known as the White Dwarf, this legendary warrior always tends to appear whenever the going gets tough for his kin – some believe he is actually the eldest son of the Dwarven God Grungni, Snorri Whitebeard*.

Josef Bugman may not be born of a god, but he does brew the best ale in all the world which makes him practically a demi-god in dwarfen eyes. There’s a reason that Warhammer World has its very own Bugman’s Bar.

All three appeared together in one classic miniature to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of White Dwarf – that’s one legendary dwarf for every 10 years.

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The legend of Grombrindal has only grown over the years, and just like Gotrek he has navigated his way through the apocalypse of the World-that-Was and into the Mortal Realms. There have been dozens of miniatures representing this hero, from the very first models to bear his name in the early 1980s, to a much more recognisable The White Dwarf at 90 which celebrated the magazine’s 10th anniversary and depicted the character as he was seen on the magazines cover, to the fondly remembered sixth edition Warhammer Fantasy version, and beyond.

Grombrindal has worn all sorts of hats throughout the ages, trading high fantasy for grim-dark science fiction, or even the firm touch of the astrogranite.** He isn’t shy about donning new duds to help celebrate the anniversary of the magazine he shares a name with either – as long as no-one messes with his classic shock of white hair. 

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Josef Bugman has been around for nearly as long, and he’s extremely popular thanks to his skill as a Brewmaster – the only thing more important to a dwarf than grudges, killing goblins, smithing weapons, and crafting runes, is beer.***

The most recognisable Josef Bugman – to those of a certain vintage – saw fit to equip him with a flagon emblazoned with his logo, but later versions explored the Brewmaster theme more. 

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Bugman swinging a bar stool, Bugman triumphantly stood atop a handful of barrels of his latest batch of XXXXXX ale, Bugman exhausted from a day of brewing and battling, enjoying his pipe.**** Each miniature was available at Bugman’s Bar itself in Warhammer World. Since then, he’s gone on to referee for Blood Bowl, and his descendents are Kharadron Brewmasters in the Age of Sigmar. These famous dwarves sure do get about.

Keep an eye on Warhammer Community for next week’s miniature, who might have all three of these mythic dwarves absolutely hopping mad.

*Some legends name him Snorri Longbeard

** In the early 2010s he even took on odd-jobs as a pirate, aviator, witch hunter, director, and more…

*** They even named a paint after him. It’s a little bit rosy, as you’d expect.

**** His famous battle cries of “Mhinz Abeir” and “Zyor Rond!” echoing in the bar still.