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  • The Lord-Vigilant Is the Sinister New Hero That the Stormcast Eternals Need in the Hour of Ruin

The Lord-Vigilant Is the Sinister New Hero That the Stormcast Eternals Need in the Hour of Ruin

With the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar on the way, Sigmar has opened a new chamber in response to the growing Skaven threat. This endless tide of ratfolk emerges from rents in reality where Blight City punctures into the realms. Only the winnowed souls of the Ruination Chamber can withstand these tainted environments, and they are led into battle by mighty Lord-Vigilants.

These powerful warriors rule the Bleak Citadels, the monastery fortresses that house the Ruination Chamber while they await the call to action. Such Stormcast have passed beyond the Storm's Eye, the time when their personhood is balanced with pure azyrite power, and each death brings them one step closer to losing their humanity completely.

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Somehow – rumours claim the blessing of the death god Morrda – the Lord-Vigilants retain enough control and balance to sally into battle at the head of the Ruination chambers, wielding hallowed greataxes imbued with crematorial fire that can reduce a foe to ashes with a single powerful strike. Their relationship with death doesn’t end here, as their Gryph-stalkers can drain foes of life and transfer that vitality to the Lord-Vigilant in an act that bears an uncanny resemblance to the necromancy practised by Nagash.*

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As members of the Ruination Chamber, fell magics struggle to affect the Lord-Vigilant even while they stand imperiously over their enemies and Deliver Judgement on them, commanding their Ruination Chamber allies to fight a second time in the same combat phase. 

Such powers are needed to fight the frenzied Skaven threat and help stem the corruption pouring from the Lands Anathema. The Stormcast Eternals have new tactics in this edition, as well as a selection of powerful new heroes and units rushing to the frontline to provide aid. 

* No wonder the Supreme Lord of the Dead is so furious with his former ally Sigmar.