Armies on Parade is one of the biggest celebrations of Warhammer each year – incredible fully-mustered forces, arranged on equally wonderful display boards. Entrants flex their converting, building, and painting muscles like no other event, building armies worthy of the proudest warlords.
We’ve already covered the winners this year, but there are always so many details that get missed out. The Judge’s Choice category has plenty of surprises that we just had to share with you.
40 Years of Warhammer Fantasy
Jose Manuel Pla Albiach’s entry is absolutely chock full of little details, reminiscent of the classic displays from the early days of Warhammer that you can see in the Warhammer World Exhibition.

There’s an esoteric cast of Warhammer Fantasy miniatures (can you name them all?) piling through a smashed-open door, windows showing armies marching outside, and dank caverns and dungeons below.

The Waaagh! Faktry
Due to its unique construction as a full 360-degree display, Mark Ranson’s effort hides many of its most fabulous details just out of sight.

Sisters of Silence
James Stone’s display taps into the very darkest parts of the fiction, dredging up buckets of oily black atmosphere with a muted palette perfectly suited to this esoteric order.

The backdrop features an inspired use of garden centre ornaments to represent the baroque architecture of Holy Terra, and the whole tableau is loaded with subtle conversions that nail the grim dark vibe.

The Cryptek
Ivan Yurin’s jaw-dropping entry is jam-packed with details that get lost in its sweeping surge of Necron Warriors and Scarabs.

Just drink in all of those beautiful lighting effects, combined with rust, battle damage, and an impressive water-effect base.

There’s no right or wrong way to create an Armies on Parade board, but an eye for detail and a strong concept will catch the judges’ eye.
With all of that exceptional inspiration rattling around your head, it’s time to start thinking about your 2023 entries. Will you create something sprawling and all-encompassing or a detailed, personal entry?