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Celebrate Halloween on Warhammer+

It’s the spookiest of seasons and Warhammer+ is celebrating in style this week, as we launch a host of Halloween-themed shows on the day itself as Battle Report, Citadel Colour Masterclass, and Loremasters all lean into terrifying goings-on this week. Read on as we chat with Nick, Ed, and Alex from the Warhammer+ team. If you dare… 

BattleReport CC

Nick: In the true spirit of the season, we’re playing Warhammer Quest: Cursed City on Battle Report this week. We’re creeping around a dark crypt in an abandoned city, battling the forces of the undead, and thwarting the will of a terrifying vampire… and it was such fun to play! 

WH+ Halloween Oct31 BR1

Cursed City is designed to be played with multiple players, so we did! We asked Alex to be our Games Master, telling us all the bone-chilling tales as we played and controlling the hordes of shambling undead – you can imagine how good he was at that. We also got Lizzie and Emma from the Warhammer Painting Team to come and play, so with Simon and I there were five of us. We had taken on a few adventures together beforehand to get our characters a bit of experience, and it was just the most fun playing with friends. 

WH+ Halloween Oct31 BR2

We led four adventurers into the Forsaken Crypts: Captain Emelda Braskov, the hungry Ogor Brutogg Corpse-Eater, Witch Hunter Jelsen Darrock, and aelven archer Qulathis the Exile. We encountered terrifying undead, monsters, vampires and more, finding treasure, embarking on side-quests, and fighting our way through as best we could. But to see how we did, you’re going to have to watch the episode! 


Ed: Over on Citadel Colour Masterclass, we’re preparing something frightful! We’re going to focus on the majestic vampire Karlina von Carstein, the fearsome Soulblight Gravelords character available to subscribers of Warhammer+. We are theming the entire miniature around colder colours that help imply the unnatural aura of death that she exudes.

WH+ Halloween Oct31 MC

The episode is a little longer than normal, as we have a full character breakdown showcasing all aspects of the miniature, covering everything from planning out the painting order to tying colour schemes together, as well as all the steps and techniques needed to finish the model. There’s a little bit for everyone.It’s a great watch for anyone looking to paint the model themselves, and it's also useful for anyone wanting to pick up some tips on approaching characters or colour schemes in general. While the exact shade may change, cold colour schemes can be found across every game system, from the Drukhari in the 41st millennium, and The Dead of Dunharrow in Middle-earth, to The Thricefold Discord in Warhammer Underworlds.

WH+ BRSoulblightSylvaneth Aug30 LMLogoAlex: We are getting into the spirit of the season by delving into the haunted history of one of Nagash’s lieutenants: the Mortarch of Grief, Lady Olynder. The Nighthaunt have yet to have a Loremasters episode and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to look into their background as well as their infamous patron. We discuss her life, how she rose to power, her death, her ascension to Mortarch, and what she has done with her ethereal forces since then.

WH+ Halloween Oct31 LM

After a life of scheming, her kingdom of Dolorum in Shyish came under siege by the forces of the plague god, Nurgle. As her people died in the streets, Olynder sought to make a deal with the Grandfather for her own life. Nagash did not take this perceived betrayal well and claimed her.* The Great Necromancer has his own twisted sense of justice and so condemned her spirit to an eternity of grief and sorrow. For the rest of the story, you will have to watch the episode!  

Thanks guys – you can catch all this Halloween fun on Warhammer+ right now. If you’re not yet subscribed, hit the button below.


* Since she rose to power by treachery he should probably have expected something like this…

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