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Community Painters Deliver a Dastardly Docket of Daemon Princes

Tomorrow is a dark day indeed. The Mortals Realms are set to tremble while the galaxy burns – the highly anticipated (and equally feared) Daemon Prince is hitting pre-order! This blasphemous bruiser first manifested in the Slaves to Darkness Army Set, but he’s finally available as a solo release, ready to stand on his own two hooves. It’s an incredibly versatile kit, with six heads and loads of options, including builds designed specifically for Warhammer 40,000.

To celebrate his impending escape into realspace, we gazed deeply into the Eye of the Gods – known by some as “the Internet” – and were granted bounteous gifts in return.

Chris Wildman

InfDaemonPrinces Jan13 ChrisWildman

There are six different heads in the set – one for each of the Chaos Gods, plus two for Chaos Undivided. Chris has combined the Khornate visage with sumptuous red and gold armour and leathery skin to create a seething beast.

 Emma Durrant

InfDaemonPrinces Jan13 EmmaDurrant

Emma has painted a fantastic Slaaneshi prince with some excellent freehand pattern work. The subdued brass-and-steel armour contrasts with the vivid skin tones to accentuate both aspects.

Joshua Hill

InfDaemonPrinces Jan13 JoshuaHill

The Daemon Prince’s wings are a perfect canvas for showing off your painting skills. Joshua has chosen to implement a lovely blend from scarlet to flesh on his, making for a wonderful centrepiece character.


InfDaemonPrinces Jan13 Kiralred

Kiralred (from Battle Bunnies) gives us our first look at the Nurgle head in all its disgusting, distended glory. They fittingly back up the putrid vibes with pallid armour panels and grimy, brassy armour.

Lawson Gray

InfDaemonPrinces Jan13 LawsonGrey

Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows – nor what colour his warriors are. Lawson (from Live and Let Dice) gives us a Daemon Prince that pushes the traditional Khorne colours into new territories with magenta wings and skin.

Matt Crowther

InfDaemonPrinces Jan13 MattCrowther

Matt gives us a classic steel and gold-trim armour job, set off with lovely ruddy skin. Through some arcane art, he’s made all three weapon options for the prince work* – perfect for the tactically flexible warp fiend.

Vincent Knotley

InfDaemonPrinces Jan13 VincentKnotley

Finishing things off is Vincent, who has painted his Prince in the over-ripe greens of Nurgle – a delightful match for his Chaos Chosen – set off wonderfully by bleached bone and aged bronze to create a regal creature of rot and ruin.

The Daemon Prince is up for pre-order tomorrow, so make sure you check back then to get your own. Once you’ve decided on your loadout and painted it up, share it with us on the Warhammer Community Twitter page.

* We suspect clever use of magnets, the most Tzeentchian of metal qualities.

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