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Stormcast Eternals Clash with Khainites in Upcoming Black Library Tales

The future may be bleak for those living in the Mortal Realms, but it’s bright for us. The barnstorming new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar is in full swing and the awesome Skaventide launch set is just the first of many incredible releases . The Black Library wordsmiths are hard at work spinning new tales, and wouldn’t you know it – we’ve got two new books to show off right now.

If you’ve ever wondered what life is like for a Fusil-Major perched precariously atop an Ogor Warhulk’s rickety watchtower, then look no further than On the Shoulders of Giants and Other Stories. This anthology of short stories opens with the eponymous tale by Adrian Tchaikovsky – author of Day of Ascension – which finds Fusil-Major Rosforth consigned to an unlikely friendship after a career-ending injury. 

BL AoSLookAhead Jul11 Book1

The hard-nosed Dawnbringer must now be carried into battle by Slobda, a vicious man-eating ogor drafted into Sigmar’s service, and their problems only mount when the Skaven spill forth into Ghyran in their millions. Rosforth and Slobda find themselves responsible for a desperate band of survivors fleeing the teeming hordes of plague-ridden ratmen, and they’ll put their partnership to the test getting everyone to safety.

On the Shoulders of Giants and Other Stories also includes other tales from the Mortal Realms penned by Noah Van Nguyen, Liane Merciel, and more.

Elsewhere, the lingering aftereffects of Morathi-Khaine’s bid for divine power return to the surface in Anvils of the Heldenhammer: The Ancients by Dale Lucas. It has been 20 years since the ascendent goddess ripped the city of Anvilgard away from Sigmar. Many of its mortal population were slain that night, but the souls of the Stormcast Eternals were not able to return to Azyr – for they were not killed, but rather imprisoned deep beneath its streets.

BL AoSLookAhead Jul11 Book2

Knight-Incantor Tivrain Greymantle is haunted by the call of her captured comrades. Forbidden from risking a clash with Sigmar’s tenuous allies by freeing her trapped brethren, she nevertheless sets out into the steaming jungles of the Circle of Life looking to make a difference.

But her superiors aren’t the only ones trying to hunt her down. A horde of Khorne’s Bloodbound are on the prowl, and even once she makes it to Anvilgard – now Har Kuron – there’s the small matter of a city of fanatical Khainites to overcome.

Stay tuned to Warhammer Community for more new Black Library novels and release dates.