With an updated codex up for pre-order this Saturday, each day this week we turn our ocular arrays to the mighty (strange) Adeptus Mechanicus. We’ve already talked about choosing the right forge world and reminded you of the units that have been added to the codex – so let’s exload the latest data about the Canticles of the Omnissiah and Doctrina Imperatives.
At their core, the Adeptus Mechanicus are religious warriors. Their zealotry may appear a bit different from the fanatical bellowing of the Imperial Creed we’re used to, but nowhere is it more evident than in the chanting of binharic canticles.

The Canticles of the Omnissiah might not sound like music to flesh-ears, but the warriors of the machine god love ‘em, and they belt them out in the midst of battle to fan the flames of their fervour. These chants grant special boons to any units that include the Canticles of the Omnissiah ability, like Servitors and Tech-Priests.
You’ll have to wait just a little longer to see them all, but we’ve chosen a few of our favourites to get your gears turning. Take a look at this incredibly versatile little ditty.

Choose the Benediction of the Omnissiah in the late game to ensure those make-or-break rounds of shooting go off without a hitch.
Is the enemy bearing down on you? Is it time to punch some faces? This thrash-metal jam will get the troops pumped up.

And if the gang is headed somewhere in a hurry, pop this jaunty road-trip tune on the playlist.

The dulcet tones of the Canticles just don’t cut it for the Skitarii, however, so a judicious Tech-Priest or Skitarii Marshal has to take a firmer hand. That’s where the Doctrina Imperatives come in. Think of these override subroutines like orders handed down to the troops, except they can’t even think about saying no.

Each Doctrina offers a situational bonus, but good things rarely come for free – for example, defensive protocols reduce mobility. This give and take is represented in your games by one of four Imperatives, chosen at the beginning of the battle round. They affect units with the Doctrina Imperatives ability, which includes Skitarii units like Rangers, Ruststalkers, Sydonian Dragoons, and the like.
If your gunline is facing down the implacable march of gauss-spewing Necron Warriors, you might choose the Bulwark Imperative to keep your Vanguard alive and shooting.

If they’re trying to keep a horde of Tyranid Hormagaunts away, however, you might be better off cutting them down with the Protector Imperative.

The beauty of both the Doctrina Imperatives and Canticles of the Omnissiah affecting different units is that you can tailor your strengths and weaknesses to adapt to the changing conditions of battle. Let your Kataphron Destroyers and Kastelan Robots sit back and unload firepower, while the Skitarii troops charge in under the cover of the big guns. How wonderfully efficient is that?
Check back tomorrow to get a sneak peek at the Adeptus Mechanicus Crusade rules. The new codex gives them all the bizarre, hyper-niche abilities and devices you’d expect from one of the most unusual organisations in the Warhammer 40,000 galaxy.
If you haven’t already started an Adeptus Mechanicus army, we wouldn’t blame you for thinking about it now. There’s no better way to begin than with the Start Collecting! Adeptus Mechanicus box.