EGGS! Also known as “bird drop pods”, “juicy rounds” and “orb lads”, these strange constructs have baffled and delighted mankind for centuries. One of the best things about Warhammer Age of Sigmar is the sheer variety of eggs on display. With the world’s foremost festival of eggs and egg-related contegg this weekegg, we’re making a list of the Mortal Realm’s best eggs. BUCKLE UP.
1. Gryph-hound Eggs
Most people would kick off a listicle of this nature with a nice safe bet – something that is uncontroversially an egg. Such cowardice has never been our way at Warhammer Community, which is why we’re starting this list with a wholly hypothetical egg. Do Gryph-hounds lay eggs? Do they have adorable puppies instead? Do they make incredible cute mewling chirrup sounds? Can you hold and love one forever? What were we talking about?

2. Squig Eggs
Squigs! Little more than mouths connected to various limbs which facilitate the frequent and judicious use of said mouths, these vile creatures are a biological wonder. Where do they come from? Nobody knows for sure, but what we do know is that grots call the teeming egg-sacs that cover their caverns (and various troggoths) “squig eggs”.

3. Da Bad Moon
“Wait,” we hear you say, over the internet using our uncanny abilities of psyniscience. “The Bad Moon is self-evidently a moon! This list is all over the place and we’re only on the third entry! When will the police stop these madmen?” WELL. Here’s the thing. The Spiderfang Grots – even creepier cousins of the Moonclan Grots – believe Da Bad Moon, a massive lump of angry rock that heralds madness and despair in the Mortal Realms, to be a colossal spider’s egg. Given how strange the Mortal Realms are, we wouldn’t be surprised if they’re right.

4. Magmadroth Eggs
We’ve made it to the middle of the list, and we have a nice, safe egg. A normal egg. A sensible egg. Magmadroth eggs are, as the name suggests, the first form of life for Magmadroths. Best of all, they’re pre-boiled!

5. Stormvaults
The necroquake has, generally speaking, been horrifying news for the Mortal Realms, with ghosts pretty much all over the shop. Like, open a drawer and bam! ONE MILLION GHOSTS.* To make things worse, lots of Sigmar’s Stormvaults have been revealed, meaning that pretty much everyone is hunting for the delicious and forbidden treasures within. Does that, very tenuously, make them an egg? For the purposes of this list, it does!

6. Skulls
What is a skull but a particularly Warhammer-themed egg? Squint extremely hard (like, so hard your eyes threaten to pop out) and one could easily mistake a unit of Blood Warriors for charming Easter bunnies, merrily traipsing hither and yon. The best thing? This hunt isn’t just for Easter – it’s for eternity.

Got any egg-citing weekend plans? Disagregg with these eggs? Let us know on the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Facebook Page!
* Okay, so, it’s maybe slightly more complex than that. Give Josh Reynolds Soul Wars a read for more detail on the whole “ghostpocalypse” situation.