Painting your miniatures is a pivotal part of the Warhammer hobby, and it’s set to become even better with the release of the new Citadel Colour range.
However, hobbyists beware – there can be some unexpected side effects of painting. While we don’t want to alarm anyone, we advise you to take heed of the risks before you next pick up a brush…
We all know that mindfulness forms an important part of a healthy daily routine, and painting Warhammer is one of the most relaxing activities there is. Seriously, nothing’s more meditative than trying to slow your breathing and lower your heart rate as you go in with your smallest brush to hand to paint the eyes of your latest trooper…
If you’re a fan of a minimalist home, then we suggest keeping your Warhammer hobby to a designated space. As your collection of incredibly painted miniatures grows, so too will shelves, drawers, cupboards, and cases fill up with models – meaning the urge to accumulate more models is tempered by the need to pick up shelf-building materials from the hardware store as you run out of space to put them...
Like your own space? Does engaging with family sound like too much effort? Well, miniature painting can draw more than the occasional inquisitive glance from a passing sibling. Soon they’ll start asking questions, then they’ll want to watch, and before you know it your aunt will be basecoating 40 Necron Warriors for you while you teach grandad how to edge highlight…
Once you have painted up your army to a Battle Ready standard, you’ll want to send them to war on the tabletop. However, this too brings with it the risk of fostering jealousy in your opponent, who dared to field an unpainted army.* Fear not though. Warhammer is one of the friendliest hobbies there is, and you can be sure that anyone at your local store will be happy to listen to you explain the pros and cons of a wet palette for an hour or two.
Having a pot of water on your hobby desk is important, but if you throw in that nice cup of tea** you’re asking for trouble. Although Citadel Colour paints are non-toxic, we still don’t recommend drinking them.*** Don’t worry though, we’ve got your back with some new mugs specially designed to ensure you don’t drink the wrong liquid.

Just when you’ve finally mastered wet blending, and your models now only take hours instead of days, you jump onto social media and see some young upstart getting featured for models which were painted in lightning-quick time using some newfangled technology called “Contrast” paints. They’ll never catch on…
Being a victorious general sure feels good, but winning isn’t everything, a good painting session really can be great for the mind and spirit too. The sense of satisfaction that comes from putting that beautifully painted model on the shelf, and sitting back to admire your handiwork is second to none. Plus, you can relish the opportunity to do the same thing over, and over again.****
Okay, you got us – we weren’t being entirely serious with this one. However, (almost) everything we’ve said here is true. Painting can be a great way to relax and focus the mind, as well as engaging with family and friends, while creating opportunities to make new pals along the way.
If you’d like to improve your painting skills, check out painting articles and videos on the Citadel Colour website – and right here on Warhammer Community. Plus, join our Hobby Clinic on Twitch, and discover even more in-depth painting videos in the Citadel Colour Masterclass on Warhammer TV.
** Or a glass of amasec, we won’t judge.
*** Or licking your brushes either, you weirdos…
**** If painting a 2,000 point army isn’t your thing, check out Kill Team or Warcry!