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Revealed – New Sylvaneth Have Been Empowered by the Rite of Life

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Alarielle’s Rite of Life has had transformative effects on the Mortal Realms, prompting the appearance of terrifying Krondspine Incarnates, but the impact it has had on her own kin has been just as profound.

After her untimely death in the Realmgate Wars, the Lady of Vines is back, thanks to the god-queen of the Sylvaneth – and a deep rage for all things that threaten the Sylvaneth smoulders in her thorny heart.

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She isn’t alone, either, as with her comes death on silken wings. Gossamid Archers are lethal skirmishers afforded the power of flight by symbiotic zephyrspites – their arrows, loosed from elegant bows, play host to ravenous grubs that bore into their enemies. Yum!

The Rite of Life has also awoken long-dormant dragonspites, mighty insectile creatures that Sylvaneth tame and turn into indomitable steeds.

These fearsome cavalry come in two flavours. Spiterider Lancers are Alarielle’s elite shock cavalry. Lightning-fast, they dart into combat and strike their foes down before they can react.

Revenant Seekers are a touch slower, focusing on the vital task of harvesting the life energy of fallen Sylvaneth to resurrect their allies.

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All of these fabulous floral fighters and carapaced cavalry are arriving alongside the latest book for the Everqueen’s forest-dwelling sentinels, Battletome: Syvlaneth, which you can expect to see more of in the coming weeks.

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Check out the rest of the Warhammer Fest reveals for Warhammer Age of Sigmar – including a few choice targets for Sylvaneth hunts.

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Sign up for the Warhammer Community newsletter to keep ahead of all the developments in the Mortal Realms – and subscribe before 11:59pm (BST) on the 8th of May for your chance to win one of every new book, miniature, and boxed set revealed at Warhammer Fest 2022!*

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