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Start Your School Year Right With a Free Warhammer Alliance Pack and Exclusive Back-to-school Offers

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Warhammer is the ideal hobby for young people. Whether you’re cultivating creativity through building and painting or developing strategic thinking by playing epic tabletop games, there’s something for everyone. 

This is where Warhammer Alliance comes in – it’s an education support programme helping young people to get involved in the hobby and learn new skills.

The Warhammer Alliance programme is aimed at schools, libraries, Scout groups,* and other educationally focused clubs, and there’s plenty to talk about as we get started with the new school year. If you’re a teacher, a group leader, or a young person interested in getting your school or group involved, read on to find out more.

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When you sign up for the programme, first-time applicants will receive a free Warhammer Alliance Resource Pack. The box is full of models and magazines for both Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and it includes all of the accessories needed to dive into the hobby. 

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This year sees Warhammer Alliance arrive in Spain and Italy for the very first time too. If you run or participate in a group in these countries, apply for your first pack on the website now

As well as ordering your Resource Pack through the website, you’ll also find a whole host of online support for the pack and beyond, which is available in many different languages. 

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The Warhammer Alliance pack has received an update for the upcoming school term, and we have fresh content on the way for both new and existing clubs that we’ll reveal very shortly. Keep an eye on the Warhammer Alliance website to stay up to date with all the latest news.

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In the meantime, your local Warhammer Alliance coordinator will be in touch, if they haven’t already, to let you know about our back-to-school offer for this year. These exclusive offers will be available in your local Warhammer stores. They vary based on region, so make sure you ask your Warhammer Alliance Coordinator for more information about your area. If you don’t have it to hand, you can contact them through the Warhammer Alliance website.

Get in touch with your local Warhammer Alliance Coordinator or visit your nearest Warhammer store for more details about Warhammer Alliance. The friendly store managers can let you know all about the Resource Pack and give you loads of advice on how to get started with your group or club.

Are you already part of the Warhammer Alliance? Show us your creations on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages!

* Warhammer Alliance is only available to Scout groups in the UK. In other countries, why not ask your leaders about getting involved with a school club?

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