Dominion is here at last, and we’ve been delighted to watch hobbyists from around the world get stuck into these fantastic new models. Yesterday we presented an assortment of the best and most beautiful Stormcast Eternals schemes, and today it’s the turn of the Kruleboyz. Swamp-dwellers they may be, but clearly these shifty Orruks can still scrub right up.

Stocks of Dominion are starting to run low, so if you want a ruthless ready-made horde of your own, this is your last chance to pick up a copy!
Though bedecked in rags, even the humble Gutrippa has swag by the bucketload – not least due to their skareshields, which have really captured our painters’ imaginations.

Kelly Freiborg has contrasted naturalistic green skin tones with moody blues and reds, while Johan Egerkrans has tried something similar – balancing a vibrant yellow shield against pale, mottled flesh.

Vincent Knotley takes a different tack, letting more lurid flesh do the talking above the darker purple and neutral tan of his Gutrippaz’ shields and rags.
Torlarp Intararangson has contributed perhaps the most striking Gutrippa of them all, matching his Boss’s squig-red shield to his tattoos and topknot.
Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof
But it’s not just the Kruleboyz’ rank and file competing in the snazziest swamp-thing stakes. The centrepiece Killaboss on his Great Gnashtooth has also gotten our painters’ juices flowing.
Crystal McHaffie uses bright and contrasting colours to make her Killaboss pop, using them sparingly to draw the eye to each element in turn. How the Killaboss ever manages to pull off an ambush while dressed like that is a mystery we may never solve.

Meg Harkness went for more bestial tones on the Gnashtoof (check out that incredible fur texture), letting the pop of shocking yellow on the shield draw the eye towards the rider.

Finally, the grossest Gnashtoof award goes to Jessica Smart’s Killaboss, whose mount has been painted to look like a naked mole-rat.

Kruleboyz Heroes
The Killaboss isn’t the only ‘heroic’ Kruleboy included in the Dominion box. Three of his henchmen also lurk within, flanked by a pair of enterprising Grots (who probably don’t realise they’re there as meat shields).
Emma Durrant’s Swampcalla Shaman graces the main image of the article. Check out the sparkles in the Pot-grot’s nasty concoction.
Sam Lenz has meanwhile picked a lovely muted Swampcalla, whose only real dash of colour pours from his poisonous elixir.

Nikki Sullivan’s Killaboss, Murknob, and Stab-grot all have a more traditional greenskin colour scheme, using red as the main contrast to their flesh, layered above dark armour and natural tones.
Vincent Knotley’s Killaboss has the same dingy purple as his Gutrippaz above. He’s also cleverly painted the dead Stormcast as an Astral Templar, matching his Vindictors showcased in yesterday’s article.

Hobgrot Slittaz and Man-skewer Boltboyz
The other Kruleboyz in the box come in two flavours – Hobgrot Slittaz, kunnin’ and murderous types from the depths of Ghur’s swamps, and Man-skewer Boltboyz, rare orruks who prefer to shoot at their enemies from afar.
Vincent Knotley has clearly been busy, having finished up these Hobgrots and Boltboyz as well as the models above. The Boltboyz are in his classic Orruk scheme, but the Hobgrots have a bright skin tone that really makes them stand out.
Richy P has really taken the idea of a fresher flesh tone and run with it. He’s gone for a rich, deep yellow which works with the slight bluish tint to their makeshift armour.

Meanwhile, Darcy Bono’s Hobgrots use a really pallid, washed-out green, as though they’re starved of natural light, with fiercely shiny bronze armour making for a fine contrast.

Thanks again to all of these painters for sharing such wonderful work. We can’t wait to see more, so we’d love anyone and everyone to share your pictures with us via #NewAoS on Instagram or Twitter.
Remember, if you’ve not picked up the Dominion box yet, you’d better hurry – the remaining copies are selling fast, and this is your last chance to get your hands on the Mortal Realms' best boxed set ever.