After a month of portents, divinations, and, well, omens, the Advent Engine has succumbed to warp-borne corruption.
As the light within it twists and dims, it summons the energy for one final prognostication – Eldritch Omens.
Fate has conspired to bring the forces of the Asuryani to battle with the Heretic Astartes, in a new battlebox for Warhammer 40,000. This is huge news for fans of pointy ears and spiky galactic despots. Let’s take a closer look at what’s inside.

This battlebox contains 16 miniatures, a whopping 15 of which are all new. The 16th is a mighty, smoke-belching Forgefiend – the forces of Chaos can never have too many daemon engines. You also get a 32-page Eldritch Omens booklet that outlines the narrative of the battle for Daethe in the war-torn Nachmund sector.

But let’s talk about these incredible miniatures. The Asuryani get nine all-new miniatures comprising Autarch Ghaelyn’s Saim-Hann force, including the Autarch herself.

This kit has plenty of options, allowing you to build the Autarch of your dreams, with three head options, two torso variants, and certain other still-secret options! In terms of weapons, you get a star glaive or a scorpion chainsword in one hand, and your pick of four ranged weapons in the other. Not only that, the weapons and upgrades are cross-compatible with the existing Autarch model.
The Autarch leads a contingent of totally revamped Asuryani Rangers.

Equipped with long rifles and cameleoline cloaks which let them obscure themselves from enemy units, Rangers are the Craftworlds’ forward scouts.* Some of them prefer to zoom around the battlefield on Shroud Runners, which are Raptor jetbikes with a two-man crew – a Ranger pilot with a partner riding pillion.**

This new Fast Attack unit outmanoeuvres opponents and harangues them with sniper fire.
Impressive as they are, the Asuryani have a real fight on their hands against the forces of Chaos.

The ruinous powers bring a host of spiky wrong-doers, suffused with grim details. First up is an old favourite reborn, the Warpsmith.
This be-tentacled villain strides forward with his many mechatendrils outstretched, seeking out enemies or snaking to repair limping daemon engines.***
He is joined by five Chaos Chosen. These Veteran warriors have risen above the rank of mere Heretic Astartes, and now manifest the gifts given to them.

Outfitted with a range of weaponry, including combi weapons, blades, powerfists, claws, and pistols, this squad are monstrous combatants at all ranges.

Finally, the Forgefiend – which isn’t new, but is awesome, and which can also be built as a close-combat Maulerfiend – gives the Asuryani scout forces something else to worry about. If you’re curious how these daemon engines perform, check out this episode of Battle Report, where a single Forgefiend mulches a Redemptor Dreadnought and a squad of Primaris Assault Intercessors.****
This box is on its way soon, and it’s just the start of an incredible year for the Aeldari, Chaos, and Warhammer 40,000 in general.

If you’re a fan of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, we will have a major reveal coming on Monday, pitting two allies of Order against one another in a battle of the elements.
As ever, subscribe to our newsletter so you don’t miss out on any upcoming reveals, and let us know over on the Warhammer Community Twitter page whose side you’ll take in Eldritch Omens.
* The cute little statue represents Kurnous, the god of the hunt.
** In the Mon-keigh tongue this riding style is known as a “croggy.”
*** They’re also very good at picking up litter and stealing food off the plates of other Chaos Space Marines.
**** You’ll finally believe our hosts can roll better than a 1!