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  • The New Cerastus Knights – Painted by the Warhammer Studio

The New Cerastus Knights – Painted by the Warhammer Studio

To celebrate the release of the Cerastus Knight Lancer last month the Warhammer Studio entered a brief, frenzied period of Knight worship, hanging giant banners from the ceiling, and pledging allegiance to a household.

It didn’t stop there, and with the imminent release of the sword-wielding Cerastus Knight Castigator and flame-spewing Cerastus Knight Acheron, Knight fever has continued to grip the Warhammer Studio, resulting in a whopping 18 gorgeous mechanical steeds to drool over. 

HH StudioKnights2 Sept20 DanM

Daniel painted up a scion of House Mamaragon, progressively drybrushing every plate, starting off dark and building up with the lighter colours. He masked off triangles to achieve a dazzle camo pattern using the same process. 

For the metal the first coat was defined with Nuln Oil then stippled with lighter colours to add interest. 

Also featured above are Rob’s black and orange House Sidus Knight and Dave’s gleaming gold and silver custom creation – House Veridis.

HH StudioKnights2 Sept20 JasonL

The fetching Castigator in red and blue heraldry decorated with dozens of fleurs de lis is the homebrew House Brieon by Jason. Joining this chivalric steed is a moody House Lucaris Knight Castigator by James, and another custom house by Dominik – the navy blue and bright yellow House Peredur.

HH StudioKnights2 Sept20 LouiseK

You’ll recognise House Vyronii from the box art of Horus Heresy Knights, and Louise has provided her own grimy and weathered spin on the green, gold, and cream scheme. Cal and Adam round out the Castigators with their own black and yellow Knights.

HH StudioKnights2 Sept20 ConnorW

First of the Knight Acheron roundup is Connor’s House Gallerica. This corrupted Knight features Chaos-corrupted winterscapes on the armour paints, freehanded with Contrast paint. Each is topped off with transfers, and sealed in with Ardcoat. Lu turns up the heat with a House Ærthegn Knight in the process of gutting a Rhino, and Chris has another House Vyronii Knight stepping on a promethium tank.

HH StudioKnights2 Sept20 JesseP

Jesse is representing House Makabius with his Acheron using Dark Reaper, Wraithbone, and Auric Armour Gold, weathered up with Agrax Earthshade, followed by drybrushes of Tyrant Skull and Screaming Skull. 

Rich ups the opulence with a vivid purple, burnished gold and black Knight from House Orhlacc, and Dan has gone for stippled blue with grimy metals on his Knight Acheron.

HH StudioKnights2 Sept20 DavidA

The slender frame of a Cerastus Knight tends to look foreboding in pale plates, and David’s House Malinax Acheron looks full of grim purpose in its weathered white armour. 

The Adeptus Mechanicus Knight of House-019 by Stu looks fantastic all grimed up in its subdued heraldry, and Sam rounds things out with a red and black steed.

Thanks to the Studio for this parade, which will be on display in Warhammer World shortly. You can pre-order your very own Cerastus Knight Castigator or Acheron on Saturday.

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