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Meet the Powerful Kruleboyz Shaman Who's Best Mates With Kragnos – Or so He Claims

AoSDaily1 Jun1 Header

The Kruleboyz earn status and power by ruthlessly murdering whoever's above them in the pecking order. The constant threat of assassination means that Killabosses and Swampcalla Shamans who make it to the top must be exceptional individuals indeed. 

Atop all of those rare characters sits the most cunning and devious of them all: Gobsprakk, the Mouth of Mork – so named for his ability to speak any language, conveniently including Kragnos’ long-dead tongue.

We’ve seen many monstrous things emerge from the swamps of Ghur, but they all fall under the shadow of Gobsprakk and his vast Corpse-rippa Vulcha, Killabeak. He’s an important new shaman in the Era of the Beast, and this prophet is possibly the most powerful Kruleboyz orruk in the Mortal Realms. 

Before we learn why, let’s take a moment to admire his spectacular miniature.

MouthOfMork Jul19 Terrain2j3

The Corpse-rippa Vulcha is one of the most terrifying monsters we’ve seen yet in the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. The creature’s grouchy nature means only the most strong-willed of Kruleboyz could hope to get close enough to capture it, which is reflected in the Vulcha’s deadly combat power.

On the battlefield, Killabeak tears through enemy ranks with beak and claw,* while the Mouth of Mork wreaks arcane destruction. So great is Gobsprakk’s magical might that the crotchety shaman has bested many sorcerers in the past, including a great Lord of Change

Look closely, and you can see the daemon’s hand atop Gobsprakk’s staff – it’s bound to the material plane by the shaman’s iron-willed desire to show it off.

MouthOfMork Jul19 Details05k13

Thanks to his experience hunting down powerful wizards for his trophy rack (he’s certainly giving Yndrasta some competition for the grisliest collection), Gobsprakk has developed a particular knack for countering the enemy’s magics. 

The shaman likes to summon swarms of minuscule tapewyrm squigs in the guts of his opponents, disrupting their spellcasting and sometimes even causing them to explode in an eruption of Waaagh! energy. 

MouthOfMork Jul19 MorkSezNo18fe5

Among the many Mork-given powers exhibited by Gobsprakk, one of the strangest is his ability to speak and understand any language. This skill allowed him to parlay with Kragnos, and he used the ancient language of the Drogrukh race to form an alliance with the god of earthquakes. 

Gobsprakk went on to become Kragnos’ faithful companion and translator. However, it’s thought that this natural schemer may have applied some creative interpretation to the edicts of his new best mate.

For those whose ears are not open to the whisperings of the Mouth of Mork, this incredible new kit also makes a Killaboss on Corpse-rippa Vulcha – the perfect combination of strength and cunning to lead your boyz into battle.

MouthOfMork Jul19 AltBuild4j31

Want to find out who the Mouth of Mork will be leading on Kragnos’ warpath? Cast your eyes back to the Dominion Celebration preview to look at more of the grotesque beasts that are lurching from the swamps. If we were the Stormcast Eternals, we’d be hoping to hear about something strong enough to take down Gobsprakk right about now.

Perhaps they’ll find just the thing next week… 

* In fact, it’s so strong that it can tear apart a fully-grown ogor with ease – as seen in the short story ‘Kunnin’’.

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