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The Rotmire Creed Have Special Abilities That Inject Fun and Fungus Into Warcry

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Last week we met the Rotmire Creed, the plague-loving followers of Lord Leech. Today, we’re looking at some of the special abilities that will help them claim victory in games of Warcry and gain glory throughout the Gnarlwood.


As we learned yesterday, one of the biggest changes for the new edition of Warcry is the introduction of Reactions. Each faction will have their own characterful rule which they can unleash upon their enemies – for the Rotmire Creed, it’s Bile Blood.

Bile Blood

Critical hits are never good for your fighters, but at least you can make your enemies pay for the damage they’ve caused you. Use this Reaction when a friendly warrior is close to being taken down, or when an enemy fighter looks likely to dole out lots of critical hits.

The Rotmire Creed have a range of twisted abilities. For example, they can spread the toxins of Lord Leech from afar with a Blowpipe.


All of the filth-caked Mirefolk and hard-working Carrion Catchers of the Rotmire Creed warband sport the Scout runemark – meaning you can launch a hail of toxic darts from almost any angle.


For the cost of a mere Double, a Blowpipe is essentially another attack for your warband, and while you can’t rely on those 6s to reduce an enemy’s toughness, when Lord Leech blesses your dice, it can really affect the outcome of a follow-up attack.

While your Blowpipe darts may be coated with an effective toxin, the Witherlords of the Rotmire Creed save the best poisons for their own use. They can then use the Lethal Injection ability to bring down even the mightiest of foes.

Lethal Injection

With some lucky dice, this ability could cause up to 30 points of damage – even a War Hydra is going to feel that! And that’s all before factoring in your regular attacks!

Can you avoid the blessings of Lord Leech? Stay tuned to the Warhammer Community website, as we’ll be taking a look at some of the rules for the Horns of Hashut later in the week. Make sure to also set yourself a reminder, as the Heart of Ghur boxed set is available to pre-order from Saturday (available while stocks last).

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