The 2nd Company of the Dark Angels, known as the Ravenwing, are masters of the art of rapid assault, tearing across the battlefields of the 41st Millennium astride their jet-black vehicles. Like a flash of lightning before a thunderstorm, they form the vanguard of the First Legion’s many battle plans, carrying out vital reconnaissance and securing key objectives before the enemy has time to react.

They wouldn’t be much good at their job without the ability to contest those objectives they so quickly approach, however. Thankfully, your bikers can now take advantage of the new 2nd Company rule.
Not only does this allow for a thematic detachment of bike specialists to accompany your main Dark Angels force, but it also paves the way for the return of classic Ravenwing armies featuring nothing but bikes, speeders, and aircraft.*
While all initiates into the Ravenwing display preternatural skills with their bikes, the most valiant and dedicated survive to be inducted into the Inner Circle and join the ranks of the Black Knights. Only then are they entrusted with the truth of the 2nd Company’s secret mission: tracking and hunting the cursed Fallen.

We mentioned in our previous look at some of the Dark Angel’s new rules that Fire Discipline was only one part of the Sons of the Lion ability. That’s because the bikers and pilots of the Ravenwing aren’t about to be left out just because they refuse to walk. In a first for a Space Marine Chapter, their special bonus to the Combat Doctrines ability is split into three parts that take effect in different turns.
With Devastator Doctrine active in the first turn, your dark huntsmen will be rocketing across the battlefield to put that new-found Objective Secured to good use. Best of all, they won’t be prevented from shooting when they Advance, so get those nice shiny Onslaught Gatling Cannons on your Invader ATVs ready.

Finally, it wouldn’t be a new codex supplement without some fresh, shiny Stratagems for you to employ. If you made the incredible guess that the Ravenwing will have a way to move even faster, congratulations. The Librarius would like a word…
Fans of the classic Jink rule will be happy to know that it’s still alive and well among the 2nd Company’s forces, but if you can’t afford to Advance for that delicious 4+ invulnerable save it’s good to know High-Speed Focus has your back in a pinch. Trust the master movers of the Ravenwing to dodge enemy fire even when they’re standing still.
Will you be fielding a 2nd Company Detachment in your army? Is that giant box of bikes you’ve had stashed away for years finally going to see the glorious light of day again? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and, while you’re waiting for the codex supplement to release, have a go at putting your ideal Ravenwing army list together in Battle Forge.
* We can practically hear the White Scars howling from here.