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  • Necromunda Apocrypha – Fight Off (or Command) a Tide of Mutants Boiling From Beneath the Underhive

Necromunda Apocrypha – Fight Off (or Command) a Tide of Mutants Boiling From Beneath the Underhive

As the turmoil of the Aranthian Succession throws Necromunda into chaos and turns the ash wastes into a battleground for warring nobles, trouble brews in the lowest levels of Hive Primus. The Great Darkness – a colossal blackout that severed the last threads of Imperial authority in the underhive – plunged the hydro-exchange of Gunk Deep into the hands of the mutants, wyrds, and criminals that called its caverns home. It wasn’t long before these downtrodden dregs of society turned their eyes upwards.

Driven by profane visions of a rift sundering the sky they’d never seen, the mutant hordes unleash their fury in Devils of Gunk Deep, the latest free download for Necromunda. We stopped by our local underhive watering hole for a chat with Owen from the Necromunda design team, to find out what’s in store for the unwitting town of Dust Falls.

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Owen: In this instalment of Apocrypha Necromunda, we join the defenders of Dust Falls as they stand against the mutant hordes stirred up by the Great Darkness. The Narco Lord Balthazar Van Zep and his motley band of hive scum, disgraced guilders, outlaw gangers, and desperate hivers must try to survive an endless tide of underhive horrors!

After the Great Darkness descended on Necromunda, the influence of the Dark Gods roused the cultist, mutant, and outlander inhabitants of the underhive to bloody violence (or at least, more bloody than usual). Boiling up from the depths of the ancient hive city, these outcast gangs climbed toward the uphive settlement of Dust Falls, gateway to the Nexus and the hive beyond, intent on burning it all to the ground… 

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In addition to a brand new scenario, ‘Out of the Pit’, in this month’s article you’ll find rules for creating Mutant Outcast Gangs using the rules in Book of the Outcast. This includes a new Outcasts Gang Leader Archetype – the Mutant – as well as a comprehensive list of mutations for use in your games of Necromunda.

Thanks Owen! You’ll see a wild mix of gangs down in the underhive these days, what with all the chaos of a civil war going on, so prep your own ruffians for battle and see if you can make it through the new downloadable scenario. If it’s anything like last month’s sail across the seas of the Sump, you’ll need all the practice you can get.

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