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5 Signs Your ‘Abandoned Settlement’ Might Actually Have Been Raided by Kruleboyz

AoSDaily1 Jun1 Header

Greetings, Dawnbringer. If you are reading this emergency pamphlet, then the unthinkable has happened – your entire village’s population has mysteriously disappeared. Don’t panic. Your first order of business is to ascertain the cause of this phenomenon, after which your local Stormkeep may be contacted to send any necessary aid or reinforcements.

AoS3Settlements Jun16 RealmscapeSettlement9j12

To determine the cause of your fellow settlers’ disappearance, check each of the five questions below and record your answers at the bottom of this pamphlet.

Question One: Are you the only remaining settler?Many of the Dawnbringer Crusades’ settlements have found themselves attacked by all manner of creatures upon arrival at their destination, few of which are concerned with taking prisoners. Check your nearby buildings for corpses or injured persons – in the absence of both, it is unlikely a feral beast is responsible for your predicament.

Question Two: Is there blood anywhere/everywhere?

In the absence of corpses to examine, check for signs of bloodshed in populated areas such as the town square. While there are many reasonable explanations for blood littering the ground, such as frisky livestock or freak shaving accidents, it may be a sign that hostile forces are involved.

AoS3Settlements Jun16 SkavenCities6nd4

Question Three: Is there a glowing purple sun/floating skull/other arcane object hovering above the settlement?

The magical phenomena known as ‘endless spells’ have been growing steadily more erratic of late, and many have been known to whisk careless citizens away to Sigmar knows where without warning. If some form of spell is present, it may indicate the involvement of a powerful Wizard – please attach your best rendition of the object in question to this checklist.

Question Four: Does a thick cloud of swamp gas hang eerily over the settlement?

Some reports from your fellow settlements mention the spontaneous appearance of horrifying clouds of magical swamp-fog, which are so disgusting that entire towns of brave Dawnbringers have fled without a trace. Visions of this fog being conjured by ‘wild, lanky shamans’ and preceding attacks by crude, unsophisticated orruks are a common side-effect of inhaling the gas, which we therefore recommend against to ensure an accurate report.

AoS3Settlements Jun16 Shaman84h514

Question Five: Have you found a round shield fashioned in the image of a hideous, snarling face?

If you answer yes to this question, it is almost certain that the evidence gathered above is actually the result of a ‘Kruleboy’ orruk raid, despite the many other perfectly reasonable explanations you may have deduced. Revitalised by the appearance of Kragnos, the Earthquake God, these particularly cunning orruks have been known to steal away entire populations at once, and are already responsible for attacks on many Dawnbringer settlements.

If your checklist now indicates the high probability of the Kruleboyz’ involvement, ensure you promptly contact the Stormcast Eternals and pre-order the Dominion boxed set when it arrives on Saturday – the entire army of Sigmar’s finest contained within are sure to offer some measure of safety against the Kruleboyz’ attacks. Best of all, Sigmar’s finest huntress Yndrasta is leading the charge to batter back the sneaky, sadistic orruks, so don’t miss the chance to see her in action when Dominion pre-orders go live on Saturday 19th June.

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