2020 is almost over and it has been another great year for fans of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. So, we caught up with the Middle-earth team to find out what their favourite releases of this year have been. There might even be a little treat for you all at the end of the article – it is Christmas, after all.
Rob Alderman: I think my favourite release this year has been Snaga and Grishnákh. The sculpts are absolutely stunning and they look just like they do in the movies. They’re also a joy to paint!
I’m planning to put together an Uglúk’s Scouts force containing both of these Orc characters. Grishnákh is always a solid choice as he has 3 Might points and Snaga adds some interesting tactical options as he can move away from friendly Heroic Actions – or not move as part of them so that he can move later instead.
Jay Clare: This year saw the release of one of the most enjoyable projects I’ve had the pleasure of working on – Quest of the Ringbearer. The story of Frodo’s epic journey is just wonderful, and the supplement allows you to play through each step of this difficult and heroic quest. I had great fun playing all of the scenarios, and I can’t wait to put my Fantasy Fellowship through its paces and see how far they get.
Oh, and we also got a brand-new Bill the Pony.

Gavin Newton: I’m a huge fan of the new Gundabad War Bats. I just love how they’re posed to be in mid-flight, and the rubble and broken pillars on the bases add that extra level of detail.
The models really capture the menacing and strange nature of these foul creatures, with their leathery wings and razor-sharp teeth. I’ve been toying with starting an Azog’s Legion force, and the War Bats may just be the catalyst to kick off that army.
Luke Blick: It’s a tough choice, but if I can only pick one then it will have to be Éomer, Marshal of the Riddermark. The likeness to Karl Urban, who plays Éomer in the movies, is uncanny.
On top of this, the plastic kit cleverly incorporates a whole host of options from helmeted and unhelmeted heads to the choice of sword or throwing spear, optional shields, and even barding for his horse! I had to get two, just to build them in different ways.
Rob: That’s almost it from us for 2020, all that’s left to do is to wish you all a Merry Christmas from us in the Middle-earth team!
Thanks, folks. Before we go, we have a small treat for all of you who’ve been good little Hobbits this year. It may not be a Christmas tree, but it’s not far off…

Joining the amazing plastic Treebeard we showed off earlier in the year will be another Ent – Quickbeam. This glorious model is coming from Forge World next year, so keep an eye out on Warhammer Community and sign up to our newsletter to keep up with all the latest scoops.