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Cramming Before Warhammer: The Horus Heresy? We’ve got You Covered

Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness is getting closer.

We’ve been covering the Legions day by day, but they only make up a fraction of the story. Are you new to the whole thing? Do you know it all but need a refresher? Whatever your heart’s desire, let’s run through the whole saga in 60 seconds.

If you haven’t already, you can discover the wide universe of the Horus Heresy with Black Library. The series starts off with a bang in Horus Rising, the origin of that famous quote “I was there, the day Horus slew the Emperor.”

You’ve started so you might as well finish. If a towering stack of books full of gripping battles and shocking betrayals is a little too intimidating, we recommend that you complete the initial trilogy, which includes False Gods and Galaxy in Flames.

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Each Legion has its own narrative arc, which you’ll definitely need to read if you’re a superfan of a particular Primarch. From the Space Wolves and Thousand Sons facing off in A Thousand Sons and Prospero Burns, to Lorgar’s malign influence in The First Heretic, or the trials of the Jaghati Khan and his sons in Scars, there are heaps to pick from!

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The Space Marine Legions aren’t the only focus of the series. On Mars, the factions of the Mechanicum are embroiled in a war for control of the Forges of the Imperium in Mechanicum.

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Read every scrap of the Horus Heresy? How about something different – Loremasters? Over on Warhammer+, our team of Warhammer lore experts have tackled the tales of Mortarion and Guilliman, while the Warhammer Vault is home to Visions of Heresy – a massive tome featuring pages and pages of gorgeous art from some of the greatest Warhammer artists ever, and an outline of the core narrative of the Heresy.

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With all of these options, you’re fully armed for the arrival of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness. If you still want to brush up, check out the official website for the Horus Heresy, and take the Discover Your Legion quiz to find out which flavour of Space Marines you should side with.

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