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Combat Patrol Rules and Missions – Everything You Need to Play this Fresh New Mode

Combat Patrol is a fast and fun way to get into the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. It’s designed to offer small games with minimal setup and no list-building – perfect for getting a game in during your lunch break, or to introduce beginners to the Warhammer hobby. The six missions are currently available in the Leviathan Core Book, but you can now download them for free right here.

Once you’ve downloaded them, all you need to play is a Combat Patrol for each player, a 44” x 30” battlefield – that’s a pair of gaming boards laid side-by-side – and a little stack of terrain to give your Patrols some cover to fight around.

40k CombatPatrol May9 Masthead

Every Combat Patrol has its own rules to ensure they’re balanced against each other, trimming out some abilities that would be overwhelming in a smaller-scale game. They also each come with a unique pair of Secondary Objectives and Enhancements, plus a set of custom Stratagems – all on just a couple of pages.

The result? Tense, involved, but straightforward games that can be played in less than an hour.* There’s still plenty of nuance for Warhammer 40,000 experts to enjoy – swapping out Enhancements and Secondary Objectives to mix up their playstyle, and mastering each faction’s Combat Patrol in turn, without having to build up a full Incursion or Strike Force-sized army.

The general Combat Patrol rules – and six Combat Patrol missions – are available in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book and the Leviathan book. You can now download them for free, right here.

40k CombatPatrol Jun29 Download Button

All that’s left to do is download the Core Rules and the rules for your Combat Patrol of choice, and you’ve got all the rules you need to play! It’s as simple as that. Now go, and conquer many tiny battlefields of your own creation. 

* Don’t just take our word for it – check out this free Combat Patrol episode of Battle Report!