Zoats are exceptionally rare beings, living meditative, hermetic lifestyles far removed from society – including the Blood Bowl pitch. It’s believed that most Zoats aren’t even aware of the beautiful game. Such was the case with Zolcath until a Wood Elf sought his wisdom, hoping the rumoured magical abilities of these elusive creatures might help him achieve success on the gridiron. As luck would have it, Zolcath became fascinated by Blood Bowl and asked his visitor to teach him the basics.

It wasn’t long before Zolcath found himself playing for the Laurelorn Paladins in 2466.* For this Zoat, Blood Bowl is a curiosity, not a career. A philosophical diversion, if you will – albeit one where he’s able to engage in a bit of wanton violence! These days, he’ll happily play for a team if they’re able to survive the trip to his secluded hideout.
Despite his popularity with fans, most people – including other players – have never seen a Zoat in their lives. Zolcath’s very existence confers an advantage on the pitch, as his opponents sometimes forget to play the game for a moment while they try to figure out what they’re looking at. His mere presence on the gridiron will cause the other team to make simple mistakes as they try to keep an eye on the strange creature in their midst. While they gawk, he does what he does best – knock them over. Hard.
Zolcath on the Pitch
For the kingly sum of 230,000 GP, any Lustrian Superleague or Elven Kingdoms League team can add this superlative Star Player to their lineup. Let’s break down his profile.

Zolcath is an absolute juggernaut on the Line of Scrimmage. No, but seriously… his Juggernaut skill allows him to Blitz through even dedicated blockers with contemptuous ease.
The combination of the Disturbing Presence and Prehensile Tail mutations make Zolcath a tremendous kink in your competitor’s plans, tripping up their rushing game and wreaking havoc with their passes to boot.
If someone does manage to lay Zolcath low, his high AV and Regeneration are likely to keep him in the game, ensuring a return on your GP investment.
Everything about this intriguing and mysterious Star Player makes him a reliable asset to your team. Whether your Elves are looking for something solid to base their plays around or you want a Big Guy buddy for your Lizardmen team’s Kroxigor, you can’t go wrong with a Zoat on your side. And should you find yourself facing him? Pick your jaw back up off the astrogranite and buckle in – it’s going to be a rough ride.

Zolcath the Zoat is available to pre-order on the Forge World website right now. You owe it to yourself to sign him to your team today.
* The current year in the Blood Bowl timeline is 2500, so he’s been kicking around for over 30 years!