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  • Who Is Boss Snikrot and What’s He Doing Sneaking Around All These Space Hulks?

Who Is Boss Snikrot and What’s He Doing Sneaking Around All These Space Hulks?

Mork’s Teeth* in hand and night-vision visor locked in place, the stealthiest Ork in the 41st Millennium tiptoes out of the shadows, the surprise only ruined by the Boarding Patrol of rowdy greenskins following in his wake…. Boss Snikrot is back.

40k Snikrot Mar09 Mini

Before he was “Boss” Snikrot, he was just a cut-throat Ork making a nuisance of himself and his boyz on Armageddon, infiltrating the equatorial jungle and learning to blend in with the greenery. This brutal reign of terror against the Imperium earned them the moniker Red Skull Kommandos due to the greenskin’s gruesome habit of daubing their faces with the still-warm blood of their victims. 

Snikrot was last seen engaged in endless guerilla warfare on Armageddon. Even after Ghazghkull Thraka got a divine instruction from Gork to cease waging a fruitless war and create Da Great Waaagh! Snikrot opted to stay – no good Ork should ever turn his back on a big fight after all.

40k Snikrot Mar09 Art

But that was then. Da Green Ghost may now have realised that his particular set of skills is ideally suited to the claustrophobic interiors of space hulks, or perhaps he just got even greener with envy at the idea of Ghaz krumpin’ so many gitz in space.

His Boarding Patrol is a brutal and kunnin’ mix of Kommandos, Beast Snagga Boyz, and Flash Gitz, a surprisingly tactical combination – for Orks – of dakka and close-combat expertise. Thanks to the Pile Through stratagem in Arks of Omen: Angron, you can bash open a door and arrive within charge range with a unit of burly boyz.

40k Snikrot Mar09 Pilethrough

Snikrot and his lads will be along shortly – sign up for the Warhammer Community newsletter, and we’ll email you the second our radar pings on a distinctly Orky shape.*Not literally Mork’s Teeth, it’s just what Snikrot calls his knives.

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