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Unleash the Soulblight Gravelords in Your Games of Warcry With These Free Fighter Cards

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Welcome back to Call of the Everchosen, a regular series where we introduce new rules and campaigns to your Warcry games. Today we’re moving on from the Lumineth Realm-lords with a double death instalment, featuring the much-anticipated rules for the Soulblight Gravelords and a new campaign set in Shyish. Our Mortarch of Rules, Sam Pearson, has the lowdown… 

Sam: Call of the Everchosen is back for another action-packed instalment. This time we present you with all the abilities and fighter cards you need to put together a Soulblight Gravelords warband in Warcry. We also have a new narrative campaign that follows the events of Broken Realms: Be'lakor

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The Soulblight Gravelords Fighter Cards

With 21 fighter cards to choose from, your Soulblight Gravelords warband could be anything from a Necromancer leading a horde of shambling Deadwalker Zombies to a band of fearsome Blood Knights

All of the miniatures included in the Start Collecting! Soulblight Gravelords box can be fielded in Warcry, making it an excellent starting point for new players.

Alongside the new fighter cards, the Soulblight Gravelords have many powerful abilities to use in battle. The vampires in your warband can heal themselves by draining the blood of fallen foes with the Thirst for Blood ability. Meanwhile, your lesser fighters, such as Grave Guard Seneschals and Skeleton Champions, can call upon the powerful Chosen Champion ability when your warband's Leader is nearby, making them very useful bodyguards indeed.

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The Depths of Sylontum

This narrative campaign follows the story of the Dark Master's siege of Lady Olynder's stronghold in the Realm of Death, the ancient city of Sylontum, as detailed in Broken Realms: Be'lakor. 

It’s a campaign for 4-6 players, but there’s a twist. Rather than each player vying for victory themselves, they are divided into two teams – the Agents of Be'lakor and the Emerald Host.

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In the Agents of Be'lakor team, each warband must share a daemon faction runemark, while the Emerald Host is made up of Nighthaunt and Soulblight Gravelords (allowing you to use those new fighter cards straight away).

The Agents of Be'lakor are plunging into the depths of Sylontum, battling any undead who oppose them as they search for the Sanctum of Anguish, the resting place of Lady Olynder's skeletal remains.

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The campaign lasts for three battles in total. In the first two battles, each player faces an opponent from the other team. These games use a battle matrix to determine the battleplan, giving each player a strategic choice to make.The final battle is fought at the gates of the Sanctum of Anguish and is an epic team battle involving all of the players. This campaign makes the perfect prelude to playing the Warhammer Age of Sigmar battleplan, In the Court of Death, that’s found in Broken Realms: Be'lakor.

CallOfTheEverchosen Jun24 Scenario

Thanks, Sam. Will you be taking up the mantle of the thirsting Soulblight Gravelords? Which part of the new campaign excites you the most? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and get your voice heard!

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