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  • Surprise! The Sons of Horus Are Getting a Menacing New Praetor To Lead Them Into Battle

Surprise! The Sons of Horus Are Getting a Menacing New Praetor To Lead Them Into Battle

HHCallToWar Apr15 Header22kowq

In this month’s Legion Dispatch, we’re introducing a rather unexpected guest – the Sons of Horus Praetor. If you serve Horus the Warmaster and are looking for a suitably imperious character to command one of his Legion’s armies on the battlefield, then you’ll soon be in luck. In fact, you may already be in luck, but more on that later.

Behold the Sons of Horus Praetor in all his dark glory.

HHLegionDispatch Jul20 SoHPraetor1tn

Whether you prefer to assemble the miniature with the fearsome, impassive helmet or the head option that bears more than a passing resemblance to the Warmaster, his pose strikes a dynamic, powerful stance that should keep him stable when he swings that power fist. He’s also armed with a volkite pistol, so you know he’s not messing around at any distance.

As with all Praetors, this guy can be used to represent any senior Legion commander of the Sons of Horus, from a Company Captain to a Chapter Master. If you’re looking for inspiration, there are plenty of named officers from among these ranks to choose from in the Dramatis Personae of the Horus Heresy novels.*

HHLegionDispatch Jul20 1stThreeHHNovels2wgo

The Sons of Horus Praetor will be getting stuck in on the battlefields of the Age of Darkness later in the year, though by quirk of fate (for which Tzeentch is almost certainly to blame), some of you may have inadvertently received a copy of the miniature already instead of the Maloghurst the Twisted you ordered. Clearly Maloghurst and the Praetor stepped into the wrong Teleportarium chambers…

FWPreOrder Jun02 Maloghurst1w

In any case, if you are one of the lucky, accidental recipients of this model, feel free to keep it and be the envy** of your wargaming chums, or contact a customer service adept to arrange a replacement.

For now, prepare for the dominance of the Sons of Horus by grabbing a set or two of Mark IV Space Marines and custom shoulder pads for your Praetor to lead into battle. 

* Spoiler alert – some of them do suffer a terminal case of death over the course of the series.

** Green is the colour of the Sons of Horus, after all…

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