Welcome back to our web of rumours from Gen Con 2021. You’ve already heard echoes from Harrowdeep, seen glimpses of skirmish battles in the grim darkness of the far future, and met a bloodthirsty team who are on the way to the gridiron.
For our final tease from the event, we’ve got whispers straight from the war-torn wastes of the Eightpoints, where things are heating up like the furnaces of Tharkar Zaal* itself.

Warcry is a fast and furious game of warband-on-warband violence. Devoted cultists fight to prove their worth to the Chaos gods, agents of Order battle to bring them down, and Death and Destruction are inevitable.
Now, there are rumblings of a new struggle beneath the Varanspire, and mysterious creatures have delivered us a morsel.
An itsy-bitsy ditty echoes from the caverns – many fangs** to the Varanspire Octaves for singing us that.
What does this mean for Warcry? Well, we’d love to tell you everything, but we’re in a bit of a bind.
There’s a name though – Red Harvest. And it already has us itching to find out more.
We’ll leave it up to you to weave together the clues. All we can say is this – make sure your warbands clear the cobwebs off their weapons and armour, because they’re in for the fight of their lives.
What could all of this mean? Head over to Facebook and Twitter to let us know what you think is coming to the Eightpoints.
That’s a wrap from Gen Con – we hope you’ve enjoyed seeing some of the fantastic boxed sets, miniatures, and books that are on the way to the worlds of Warhammer. We’ll be revealing more as we get closer to the launch dates for all of the goodies we’ve shown off, so sign up for our newsletter to get the latest updates sent straight to your inbox.
* The capital city of the Iron Golems, Warcry Fact Fans.
** Fangs/thanks. Get it? Ok, that one might be a bit of a stretch – we can see some of you bristling.