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Welcome to Harrowdeep – the Shadowy New Setting for Warhammer Underworlds

WHUW Harrowdeep Sep28 Header

At Gen Con, we unveiled the new season of Warhammer Underworlds, along with the two amazing warbands. Now, it’s time to grab your snorkel because we’re taking our first dive into the mysterious region of Ulgu known as Harrowdeep.

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Warhammer Underworlds has spent the last two seasons exploring the living mountain known as Beastgrave in Ghur, the Realm of Beasts. Thanks to the Necroquake, the Katophrane Curse has spread to new lands, allowing trapped warbands to travel to other underworlds. This dark magic has opened up the eerie caverns of Harrowdeep, located in Ulgu – the Realm of Shadow. Harrowdeep is an ancient structure of inscrutable purpose buried deep beneath the floor of the Shadowsea, that’s part winding labyrinth, part ominous pit. Definitely not somewhere you’d want to go on holiday.

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Located deep beneath the seabed, Harrowdeep is described by locals as the place where the light dies.* It features in some of the earliest legends of the coastal tribes of Ulgu – but following the Age of Chaos, Harrowdeep’s existence was forgotten about, and the curse was thought of as just sailors’ superstition.

It was rediscovered almost by accident by a group of Daughters of Khaine. These rebellious aelves didn’t agree with Morathi’s ascent to godhood,** so they formed an alliance with the Idoneth Deepkin to resist the growing power of the Shadow-Queen. Morathi dispatched agents to deal with this breakaway faction, but by the time they found the turncoats’ location, the enclave had already been abandoned. 

Ever since it was unearthed, whirlpools have been appearing across Ulgu, dragging souls into Harrowdeep’s depths. The origins of Harrowdeep are unknown, but there are hints of aelven habitation – skeletons encased in shadeglass, a silent, endless waterfall of shadow magic called the Penumbral Falls, and more delightful weirdness.

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There are brave (some may say foolish) adventurers who have entered Harrowdeep by choice, drawn there by a legend that suggests ancient, powerful artefacts might be found on the lowest levels of the spiralling catacomb. Good luck finding them, though – Harrowdeep is a place steeped in shadow, full of hidden doors and illusory pathways. 

Adventurers caught there are wracked with paranoia. All the while, these warriors are aware that they’re trapped beneath the crushing weight of the Shadowsea.

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A pretty horrifying place, then. 

While the living mountain known as Beastgrave could eat you at any moment, Harrowdeep promises a more insidious form of torment, and these dangers will be realised in the rules and cards of the new set. It’s Warhammer Underworld’s biggest box yet, so Harrowdeep is a fantastic way to dive right into Warhammer Underworlds’ tactical turn-based skirmish battles.

We’ll have more news on the next season of Warhammer Underworlds right here as we get closer to its release, so sign up for our newsletter to ensure that you don’t miss any updates.

* Rumours that it’s located in the back of the cupboard where all the unpainted models live aren’t true.

** Read all about Morathi becoming a god in Broken Realms; Morathi.

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