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The New Possessed Are Living Explosions of Limbs, Armour, and Weaponry

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All sorts of gnarly-looking horrors were revealed at Warhammer Fest, from the warped Mutants and Torments to their bigger, badder Astartes cousins – the Possessed. In the depths of the Eye of Terror, parasitic daemon entities make unholy bargains with Chaos Space Marines to serve as their hosts, and soon armour and flesh flow together like molten wax. That’s what happens if you spend too long brooding in the warp…

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Sprouting massive horns, gaping maws, and razor-sharp talons in place of redundant soft appendages, the Possessed pay no heed to the puny limitations of a merely transhuman physique. Look how happy they all are to be free from the burden of a cohesive form!

While the Heretic Astartes are normally able to exert their will over these daemonic parasites, the cacophony of battle and spilling of blood awakens the beast within. In a spasm of transforming limbs, they race off to tear their foes to shreds  – just check out that blistering 9" Move characteristic.

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These exceptionally speedy amalgams of muscle and metal are also terrifyingly strong, with a wild assortment of limbs that give them a whopping five attacks.* Their hideous mutations are as deadly as they are disgusting, allowing the Possessed to tear apart enemy Space Marines to get at the gooey innards.

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Fielded in units of up to 10 models – including a diabolical Possessed Champion with an extra attack – these turbo-threshers are ideal shock troops. They can also take a real beating. The ceaseless shifting of warped armour and anatomy gives the Possessed a formidable Toughness 5, as well as 3 wounds and a Save of 3+ – and as half-daemons, they even get a 5+ invulnerable save. 

These fleshy fiends add amorphous panache to your Chaos Space Marine warbands, whether they’re backing up a daemonic Forgefiend of the Black Legion or adding a melee punch to the sonic forces of Slaanesh alongside the Emperor’s Children.

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As if that wasn't enough warp-fuelled power for one unit, the Possessed can also Let the Galaxy Burn – an awesome name for an awesome new ability shared by many units in the upcoming Codex: Chaos Space Marines. You’ll find out exactly what this rule does in a future article – so make sure you check back in with us. 

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* Some Possessed still cling to old weapons – others turn their flesh into foul facsimiles.

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