It wouldn’t be a month dedicated to gorgeous paints without talking about the pinnacle of the painting mountain – the legendary Golden Demon. This prestigious competition has been away from the UK for quite a while, but now it’s back and celebrating its 35th anniversary!

Golden Demon is the ultimate Warhammer painting contest, attracting the very best of the best. This epic event returned to the US earlier this year with a fantastic array of entries in a wide range of categories. After much deliberation, the sought after Slayer Sword was awarded to Gavin Garza. Gavin's fine work on a deceptively low-key skink from the Starblood Stalkers stunned judges with its technical prowess, and you can catch all the other winners in our article here.
The next Golden Demon UK will be held at Warhammer World from Thursday, the 29th of September until Sunday, the 2nd of October 2022. As if all this wasn’t enough to get you reaching for your brushes and paint pots, there’ll also be a weekend-long open competition called the Hobby Pass.

First featured at the US Open Series in Seattle and San Diego, the Hobby Pass is a great way to enjoy the festivities in a relaxed and fun competition. When you buy your Hobby Pass ticket, you’ll be provided with a gorgeous miniature and a large oval base. With access to an incredible pile of sprues, all the paints you could need, and experts wandering around to lend a hand, you’ll be free to create your ultimate diorama over the course of the weekend. It’s a great time for everyone.
For Golden Demon entrants, carrying perfectly painted models all of the way to Nottingham will be an adventure in itself – so make sure you’re properly prepared and stress free by having your entry forms completed before you turn up. Luckily, we’ve got them right here for you ready to print out, along with all the rules you’ll need to pore over before submitting your work.
If you’re planning to enter more than one category, you’ll need to fill out one form for each entry. Just bring your work along with a completed form and submit it at the event, making sure to read the terms and conditions carefully so there are no surprises. Submissions will be taken all the way through Saturday until 2PM GMT – but not a minute later!
The coveted Golden Demon statue is one of the greatest achievements for any Warhammer hobbyist, and the competition is fierce. Spectators can look forward to a showcase of the best that miniature painting has to offer, with three whole years of stockpiled entries gunning for the top spot.
Join your fellow Warhammer fans at Golden Demon when it returns to Warhammer World on the 29th of September. Tickets are limited, and will go on sale on the 1st of August – you'll be able to buy them here. We look forward to seeing you there. Who knows what inspiration you’ll get for your next big hobby project?