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Warhammer Staff Flaunt the Power of Chaos With These Awesome Armies

The galaxy trembles once more in the face of the resurgent Ruinous Powers, with the upcoming release of Codex: Chaos Space Marines alongside two monstrous battleforces led by all-new Chaos Lords. 

Nowhere is the power of the warp more apparent than at Warhammer HQ in Nottingham – where basically everyone has at least sprouted daemonic horns, an extra eye, or a prehensile tail – and there’s no better time to venerate the dark gods than with a showcase of some of the wonderful painting and converting work from around the company.

Word Bearers: Jac

Jac’s Word Bearers hit all the right notes – burgundy armour scored with Colchisian runes, luminous green flames as an eye-popping spot colour, contrasting with the sore, warp-touched flesh of the Possessed. They’re a gorgeous grimdark collection, perfectly suited for continually persecuting the heretical agenda of the greatest hater to have ever done it.

Cypher: James

From one hater to another, James has painted the leader of the Fallen, Cypher, who is definitely a Chaos Space Marine, depending on where you’re standing and what day of the week it is. With the addition of a snowy diorama base, we can easily imagine Cypher skulking around the battlefield conducting some clandestine operation.

Alpha Legion: Darcy

Darcy has had plenty of his work featured on Warhammer Community over the years. He’s a prolific painter (and baker*) who is also stunning the team with his painting recipes, which combine drybrushing, highlighting, and many thin applications of contrast paint to great effect. His Alpha Legion Chaos Terminators are a perfect example of this, with their wonderful metallic gradients. 

Vashtorr: Yuji

The Soul Forge King arrived, conducted an elaborate plan to get one over on the Imperium, and then stole away Wyrmwood – the twisted remains of Caliban – without even so much as an explanation. Yuji was clearly taken in by the circuitous plans of Vashtorr the Arkifane and painted a fantastic rendition of this daemonic demigod. 

Word Bearers: Alex

The good word of Lorgar has clearly spread far and wide at Warhammer HQ, as Alex is also in the throes of creating a nascent Word Bearer force featuring a Master of Possession, a Chaos Lord, and a trio of Chaos Space Marine Legionaries ready to “enlighten” their foes.

Codex: Chaos Space Marines will be available for pre-order on Saturday, and its eight Detachments provide a cornucopia of army construction options to help recreate the strategical styles of almost any Legion. Let us know on the official Warhammer Twitter and Warhammer 40,000 Facebook pages what your Chaos Space Marine Collection looks like.

* Some say he worships the Ruinous Flours…