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Take Your First Steps on the Path to Glory With Free Rules Ahead of Dawnbringers: Harbingers

Dawnbringers Book I: Harbingers begins the next chapter of the sweeping narrative in the Age of Sigmar. The city of Hammerhal readies a Dawnbringer Crusade on a scale never before imagined – the Twin-Tailed Crusade sallies forth into Aqshy and Ghyran simultaneously. One is destined to succeed, and the other will meet a grim demise – but you’ll have to follow the series to find out which one suffers a grisly end.

Four named heralds are the focus of the Harbingers series, bringing warnings of the upheaval to come and a whole new Path to Glory battlepack. This follows the scouting forces of each Grand Alliance, who are setting up communication outposts to assess the lay of the land ahead of the calamities to come.

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You’ll need a completed Path to Glory roster to participate in this new battlepack. The rules to create a roster, record seized territories, and upgrade units were previously available only in the Core Rule book, but this is all now free to download. Just click the button below to join in.

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The new battlepack brings a host of new rules for creating Communication Outposts, recruiting and upgrading Harbingers, and calling upon your allies for aid.

While the Harbingers quest and scheme, Grandfather Nurgle’s Shudderblight plague is sweeping through the realms, inflicting a terrible toll on combatants fighting under the pall of this soul-sickness. At the start of every game, the winner of a roll-off determines which malady affects the battle, adding one to the roll for each player with an outpost – because no news travels as fast as misery.

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Outposts allow players to receive messages from nearby settlements for a chance to receive Alliance Points, which can then be spent on requesting support. Before deployment, players can spend an Alliance Point to request aid from a faction of their choosing in their army’s Grand Alliance, rolling a dice and adding 1 if the faction being petitioned is listed as an ally in the army’s Pitched Battle profile. On a 3+, the request is granted.

Order armies can make use of the extensive networks of Shadowy Agents maintained by the Daughters of Khaine to issue a free command ability once per battle, while Death armies can get schooled in Defensive Discipline by the indomitable Ossiarch Bonreapers, and unleash All-out Defence without it costing a command point or counting as being issued.

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This new battlepack,  which contains six narrative battleplans that cover armies grasping for wells of arcane power, leading daring assaults against encampments, or ambushing convoys containing important characters. Two new quests are also included – one of which allows you to add an all-important Harbinger to your army, who can then be upgraded with powerful abilities.

Dawnbringers Book I: Harbingers is available for pre-order this week, alongside the four new Harbinger miniatures, their Regiments of Renown, and the next General’s Handbook. The Dawnbringer Chronicles will also continue to share snippets of what’s happening in the Mortal Realms as it is thrown further into flux by new happenings.