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  • Forge World Pre-orders – Snazzy Contemptor Carapaces for Six Legions

Forge World Pre-orders – Snazzy Contemptor Carapaces for Six Legions

Contemptor Dreadnoughts stalk the battlefields of the Horus Heresy, terrifying constructs used by the mortally wounded remains of Space Marine heroes to mete out further punishment upon their foes. 

Each Legion adorns its Contemptors with their appropriate heraldry, and today you can pre-order the first six resin torsos designed to work with the plastic Contemptor Dreadnought kit.

Dark Angels Contemptor Torso

FWPreorder Mar17 DA

Everyone’s secrets are safe when the Contemptors of the First Legion stomp into battle. These walking mausoleums are accessorised in ostentatious style with candles, chained angels, lancet motifs, and studded trim. 

Emperor’s Children Contemptor Torso

FWPreorder Mar17 EC

Before the Horus Heresy, the Emperor’s Children were granted the exclusive right to bear the Emperor’s Palatine Aquila in battle, so this Contemptor torso is covered with majestic eagle emblems.

Iron Warriors Contemptor Torso

FWPreorder Mar17 IW

Perturabo’s dour siege masters take their internment in Dreadnoughts further than other Legions, outfitting their armoured death machines with even more mechanical accoutrements and embossed hazard stripes – naturally.

White Scars Contemptor Torso

FWPreorder Mar17 WS

Even the White Scars, masters of hit-and-run warfare, employ Dreadnoughts. Though rare to see due to the particular spot they occupy in White Scar culture, the “Uhaan Solban”* are decorated with symbols of Chogorian pride.

Imperial Fists Contemptor Torso

FWPreorder Mar17 IF

Indomitable. Resolute. Enduring. The sons of Dorn and Dreadnoughts are a match made on Terra, tenacious warriors stretching their loyal service beyond their years.

Sons of Horus Contemptor Torso

FWPreorder Mar17 SoH

The Warmaster’s own go to war with the Eye of Horus emblazoned on their armour, ensuring his gaze falls on every battlefield. Their Contemptors bring this unwavering glare to bear alongside sharp Chthonian motifs.

You can pre-order all six of these products from the Forge World webstore now.

* That’s “Guardians of the Morning and Evening Stars” for those who don’t speak Chogorian.

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