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  • Barge Your Way Into the Wyrdhollow With New Rules That Let You Stagger and Salvage To Secure Victory

Barge Your Way Into the Wyrdhollow With New Rules That Let You Stagger and Salvage To Secure Victory

Brave warbands descend even further into the foetid depths of the Gnarlwood, cutting through flesh, wood, and amalgamations of both as they carve their way deep into the arcane knot of roots known as the Wyrdhollow, where fabulous and deadly treasures wait in restless sleep.

This new season of Warhammer Underworlds introduces new rules for you and your fighters to take advantage of. Alongside the traditional Move, Attack, Charge, and Guard actions that every fighter can make, you’ll also be able to make new Stun and Barge actions.

WHUW WyrdRules Apr17 Terrain

Stun is simple, and a great way of setting up damaging combos against your foe’s prime targets. One of your fighters simply chooses an enemy fighter adjacent to them and applies a Stagger token,* which lets you re-roll one dice in an attack or casting roll.

Barge is a superaction – similar to the Charge action – that combines the Move and Stun actions. It’s a risky manoeuvre that lets you expose fighters who are out of position, or rush into enemy territory to target a key character – while staggering your own fighter in turn. Just make sure your opponent can’t take advantage by ganging up on you!

WHUW WyrdRules Apr17 Stun

If that wasn’t enough ways to dish out Stagger tokens, the constantly writhing environment suspended over the Throat of Ghur wants a word. The treacherous domains beneath the Gnarlwood can wreak havoc on anyone who doesn’t watch their step.** The snare hexes on the four new boards in the Wyrdhollow box will stagger any fighter who enters that hex – willingly or by force – or who happens to be present when a feature token flips into a snare hex.

WHUW WyrdRules Apr17 Snare

Speaking of delving, the power step also brings a new choice to players. Instead of playing a power card, delving a feature token, or passing, you can now salvage useless cards. This new option is perfect if your plans have gone awry, leaving you with a restricted power card in your hand that you can’t use because the associated fighter is out of action.*** 

Don’t despair! You can simply salvage that card, discarding it to draw a new card in its place. This also works for gambit spells, if your warband has lost any wizards capable of casting them.

WHUW WyrdRules Apr17 Salvage

The new launch box also brings two new warbands – the inclement invokers of Domitan’s Stormcoven and the magical menagerie of Ephilim’s Pandaemonium – who come with their own Rivals decks. Two new universal Rivals decks, Seismic Shock and Toxic Terrors, add even more options for all warbands – we’ll be looking at them both very soon. 

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* As long as they don’t already have a Stagger token.

** Everywhere is squishy, sure, but some squishy places won’t hesitate to gobble you up.

*** Also known as the absolute worst thing that can happen to you.

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