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Painting Dark Angels Successors – Tips For Your Unforgiven

With a phalanx of Terminators and Deathwing Knights, plus Belial, upgrade sprues, and datasheet cards, the Deathwing Assault boxed set is the first place to get Codex Supplement: Dark Angels. Their preferences for green, black, or bone-coloured armour are but one of the defining features of the Unforgiven – though with 14 successor Chapters named in official sources alone, you’re not limited to just the traditional Dark Angels palette.

The Warhammer Studio painting team has produced a selection of successors for the gallery in the new Codex Supplement, showing off some of these younger Chapters in gorgeous, crisp detail.

For those of you who are simply too cool, hip, or deep into the hermetic esoterica of the Chapter to paint your Dark Angels in the colours of the First Founding, you’re in luck. The majority of these successors make use of green and off-white armour in a variety of configurations, something the Warhammer Painting team have already covered extensively.

Paint your rich, emerald greens with the help of the following tutorial. You can apply this to your Angels of Redemption, Blades of Vengeance, and others.

The second video covers the armour of the Deathwing: off-white, bone, cream, or whatever you prefer to call it, the Warhammer Painting team are on it. This scheme works great for painting the relevant elements of the Angels of Defiance and the Angels of Redemption.

There are dozens of videos covering black armour and metallic armour on the Warhammer painting channel, and Emma from the Warhammer Painting Team was on hand with some specific advice for the Consecrators and Guardians of the Covenant.

40k DASuccessors Jan18 Terrain

For the onyx-armoured Consecrators, she recommends a simple three-paint recipe to do the heavy lifting: Abaddon Black for the basecoat, a chunky highlight of Dark Reaper to pick out all the edges, and a further Thunderhawk Blue highlight to refine them. 

The gleaming metallic power armour for the Guardians of the Covenant is similarly simple – an Iron Hands Steel basecoat, a Nuln Oil recess shade, a chunky highlight of Ironbreaker, and  a final highlight of Stormhost Silver

Codex Supplement: Dark Angels contains a Combat Patrol section with guides on how to get the armour elements of your first founding Dark Angels up to snuff. The Deathwing Assault box, which comes with 16 miniatures to paint up in your Chapter of choice, is available to pre-order this Saturday.

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