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  • Part Lizard, Part Cat, All Violence – Here’s the Escher Khimerix

Part Lizard, Part Cat, All Violence – Here’s the Escher Khimerix

We’ve already seen several of the strange creatures that House Escher unleashes in the dark corners of the underhive with their Phelynx* and Phyrr Cats. Now they’re preparing their most deadly creation – the Khimerix.

House Escher do a roaring trade in exotic pets bought both from the noble houses of Necromunda and off-world, but they’re also known to gene-splice their own phantasmagoric creations. These creatures are usually sold to the gladitoria, where they prove very popular.**

NMKhimerix Nov08 Miniature

Some though are kept as pets by Escher gangs. They prove very handy for guarding gang strongholds, and are considered quite the status symbol among Leaders and Champions. Frankly, we’re already cancelling our plans for a leadership challenge while that thing is around.***

NMKhimerix Nov08 Artwork

The new model looks great, but how does it fare on the tabletop? Well, do you think those claws look dangerous? You’re right, and they’re even more devastating when you unleash a crushing blow.

NMKhimerix Nov08 CrushingBlow

Sleek, fast, and utterly deadly, the Khimerix is a perfect addition to any Escher gang and will be available to pre-order from Forge World soon. Meanwhile, why not get yourself some handlers for this dangerous pet by picking up an Escher Gang kit, and then show us your sleekest beasts on the Necromunda Facebook page

* Adopt your own Phelynx in the Death Maidens and Wyld Runners kit.

** Who wouldn’t want to watch that thing tear a Goliath ganger apart in front of a full house?

*** How are you supposed to distract it? Catnip isn’t exactly easy to find in the underhive.

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